Example sentences of "[adv] to [art] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 It was also unduly limited in the kind of explanations it offered of the course of events , explanations which appealed overmuch to the actions and dispositions of individuals , stringing them together into a complex story of aims and intrigues .
2 The pond is covered with green mesh shading , but the blanket weed still multiplies , clinging stubbornly to the sides and massing the bottom .
3 ‘ I see you more as a sailboat , skimming freely across the ocean , responding naturally to the winds and the currents — but with a light hand on the tiller now and then to make sure you make the most of your capabilities . ’
4 Managerial behaviour was also introverted , reacting to actors and problems stemming from within the organisation instead of looking outwards to the needs and wishes of its users .
5 The Programmer unconditionally and irrevocably waives the rights conferred by Chapter IV of Part I of the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act 1988 on such ( if any ) of the Program as does not consist in a computer program or a computer-generated work : this waiver extends to the Publisher 's sub-licensees and successors in title : it relates only to the components and not the Programmer 's works generally or to works of a particular description .
6 The Programmer unconditionally and irrevocably waives the rights conferred by Chapter IV of Part I of the Copyright , Designs and Patents Act 1988 on such ( if any ) of the Program as does not consist in a computer program or a computergenerated work : this waiver extends to the Publisher 's sub-licensees and successors in title : it relates only to the components and not the Programmer 's works generally or to works of a particular description .
7 The external assessors should be financially liable only to the shareholders and only for damages that reflect the assessors ' degree of fault .
8 What struck me more forcibly than his physical courage was the fact that he made no reference to his own illness but only to the trips and plans to make life better for others .
9 10.7.2 In addition to its unfettered rights ( subject only to the terms and conditions of the Grant Offer Letter to use and licence the use of its own results ) each Party shall be entitled , subject to the provisions herein , without limit of time and ( subject to any consents as may be necessary from the Secretary of State ) in all parts of the world
10 The movies had moved from down-town to the suburbs and to small towns and the object now was to capture every section of the masses .
11 It had a high neck and narrow sleeves too short for her , from which her chapped , bony wrists and her hands on which every knotted sinew and vein was visible protruded limply , as if they were stitched separately to the cuffs and not part of her arms at all .
12 One of the Fellowship moved too close to the flames and a bull 's mask went up in flames .
13 Often a family of bull , cow , and pup can be found quite close to the dunes and is most interesting to observe from a reasonable distance .
14 This takes the form shown schematically in Fig. 22.11 , with large temperature gradients close to the boundaries and a nearly isothermal region in the interior .
15 As it is an area of outstanding natural beauty , much of the diversification can take place only in limited areas — close to the towns and bigger villages .
16 German flares were lighting up the sky behind me as I hurried along the road , keeping close to the houses and in their shadows as much as possible .
17 In recreation grounds the patches of well-worn grass close to the swings and roundabouts will hold the most money .
18 ’ In Leapor 's poem the observing persona draws close to the nymphs and swains , even recording the effects of the cold on their fingers .
19 I had an accident quite close to the gates and Jorge came to get me and helped me back .
20 Carson stayed close to the walls and trod as delicately as he could on the bare boards .
21 You can approach close to the beaches and also cross the reef where necessary . ’
22 Despite this , the Government is prepared to allow equally sensitive areas close to the beaches and islands of Wales to drilled in the future .
23 They should have looked for a two-bedded , well-equipped flat in Norwich or in a convenient village close to the shops and post office , and to a church , of course .
24 Beautifully situated close to the shops and beach .
25 Beautifully situated close to the shops and beach .
26 He turned inquiringly to the others and they all mumbled for a while .
27 At first they never went round The Courts ; the route was always to the outskirts and to where houses had gardens , small or large .
28 It began among the casuals and spread rapidly to the inmates and staff , so that by mid-February 22 cases had been diagnosed and transferred to the smallpox hospital .
29 The National Coal Board having decided not to do this , control of the protest fell more and more to the police and to the criminal courts .
30 Police practices brought an appreciation of the omnibus power of the ‘ state ’ home to the nooks and crannies of the cobbled streets of the English city .
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