Example sentences of "[adv] and [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sprinkle it inside and out with seasoning to taste .
2 The whale will be coated inside and out with acrylics , and Banks intends to open a restaurant called The Jonah Snackbar in its stomach .
3 Temperatures ran high inside and out of parliament .
4 Next time she dared look back , the guard in her niche was below and out of sight but there was another just above .
5 ( PP must always speak naturally and up to time , otherwise these exercises are useless . )
6 Seconds later Talalayev found himself in another inviting position but this time sent the ball skywards and out of danger .
7 Would to God the dear girl had had the smallpox in a mortifying manner , then she 'd be lovely in the excellencies of her mind only and out of dangers of suffering from the transient beauties of countenance .
8 If ever he tried to do more — to hop or semi-fly down towards them to try to catch them — they simply darted away and out of reach .
9 The VNODD as well as the communists had already been involved in fomenting strikes but on the whole they do not seem to have attached themselves to any cause other than nationalism and , while they were particularly active in attempting to subvert the army , when they finally and out of desperation , having been heavily penetrated by the Sûreté , attempted to begin their armed struggle , many of the Vietnamese riflemen in the battalion , which was induced to mutiny , rallied instead to their French officers .
10 Then I had expected to feel cold in winter , both indoors and out of doors , all my life .
11 Boring Hamish and the horse-resembling Antonia were on the floor , him in a kilt , her still in her white bridal gown , both dancing badly and out of time , but seemingly thoroughly enjoying themselves .
12 It is ironic that the present undiscriminating reverence for exotic mysticism risks misunderstanding such beliefs for the opposite reason ; that of accepting them at face value uncritically and out of context .
13 Hope this keeps us straight and up to date .
14 anyway we had a nice trip up past and back through Prestwich and all round .
15 so erm yeah just hope I do n't get ill between now and round about July I think it 'll all be over
16 He rushed offstage and up to Lesley-Jane 's dressing room .
17 World champions took matches much less frequently and in between Lynch liked to drink .
18 I knew when to put the tape on , I could start it while she was in the bathroom , she did n't wander off while it was recording , and the machine could be underneath and out of sight . ’
19 For one thing , she was almost entirely at his mercy , even to the point of getting out of here and back to Paris and her plane home .
20 The files should be cleared out regularly and out of date records removed and placed in the ‘ dead files ’ .
21 This is also the only way for motorists who have been refused permission at Killilan to use the private road , or who did n't like to ask , and are fit enough to do eight miles there and back on foot .
22 I meant three miles there and back with sandwiches , she meant twenty miles . ’
23 A week later I took two children and the three of us got there and back for £40.50 , which does seem a comparative snip .
24 When I kissed you that first night , and accepted that I desired you , I knew then that with the situation so volatile I should get us both out of there and back to Mariánské Láznë . ’
25 I walk there and back between squalls , the long ladder on my shoulder getting heavier with every step .
26 The LRDG patrol which was to carry out a diversionary raid on Benina airfield decided to turn back as there was no longer enough time to drive there and back in darkness .
27 You get a sort of lighthouse flash from the headlights , as they swing round the curve there and out of sight .
28 Users can track forward and back through cross references in the encyclopaedia articles themselves by using a single keystroke .
29 We turned back through the village again and up to Claro .
30 As he walked away again and up to Horne , he fiddled with his trousers and said , ‘ Ah , that 's better . ’
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