Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb infin] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another way of creating a bad impression at a social interview is by being so self-conscious and aware of what is going on that you are unable to act naturally and show yourself in the best possible light .
2 'As you all know , this was to have been a happy occasion , an opportunity for members old and new to join together and indulge ourselves with history in pleasant surroundings , linked in our common interest by the traditions of the Circle .
3 So that you may vanish away and hide yourself from me ?
4 Her large eyes were fixed on him , and she wished that she could go away and leave him in peace when he had laboured for so long and so hard .
5 ‘ If I pose for a photograph will you all go away and leave me to some peace and quiet ? ’
6 Why do n't you go away and leave me to it ? ’
7 Good , he thought , if I really work on her she 'll go away and leave me to it .
8 She felt isolated in this comfortable place , but paradoxically , she also wished that these young women , with their bright faces and inane chatter , would go away and leave her in peace .
9 Why did n't Marc go away and leave it to her as he 'd suggested , if that was what he wanted ?
10 I 'll go away and leave you to your fevered dalliances .
11 ‘ And he 'd go away and chuck it in the bin or down the sink and come back with a new one .
12 He is not convinced that having read them aspiring managers can go away and teach themselves to be good leaders .
13 Shifts of labour were therefore organised , and these tall fortress-like structures were lit from top to bottom at night , and presented something new and dramatic to those who had the leisure to stay outside and contemplate it with detachment .
14 Finally I decided to decline politely and throw myself on the mercy of an acquaintance instead . ’
15 The former Today owner said he had seen documentation from Scottish financial institutions which put Knighton 's personal net worth at ‘ around £3m ’ , and added : ‘ I think he should now step aside and let somebody in who has the interests of the club at heart . ’
16 Ormrod J. purports to identify the essence of marriage as a ‘ relationship between man and woman' ; but to meet the problems implicit in this idea , he must go further and define it in terms of the capacity for ‘ natural heterosexual intercourse ’ .
17 He knew he deserved nothing and so he decided to go home and throw himself on his father 's mercy .
18 With these oilskins and boots they 'd just come home and drop them outside the door and go indoors .
19 ‘ I 'll go home and put them on tape .
20 ‘ And you 'll write often and tell me about him ? ’
21 ‘ If only the people who criticise it from afar would actually come here and see it for themselves .
22 If only the people who criticise it from afar would actually come here and see it for themselves . ’
23 Then they brought it back and the house had stood safe ever since , just so Mr Evans could live here and fill it with his meanness and greed .
24 I did n't have to say please and thank you for my milk cos I pour straight on my dinner , did n't I ?
25 Remember when she used to stand there and madden you with her politeness and that voice of hers .
26 It 's not that that your Margaret ai n't got time to stop there and dry it for her , you know what I mean .
27 Now just , let's just pause there and take it in stages .
28 A long garden with plenty of tall shrubs and bushes means plenty of cover for an attacker to hide there and surprise you on your night-time walk to the front door .
29 He felt compelled to bend forwards and kiss her on the proffered cheek .
30 At this point some vainglorious politician would step forward and present him with a book such as this one .
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