Example sentences of "[adv] and [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She scrutinised a dilapidated man on the pavement outside who was passing from rubbish bin to rubbish bin , rustling around inside and placing everything of interest in a plastic bag .
2 I ca n't see the exiles and émigrés banding together and achieving anything of importance but limited media coverage . ’
3 He had what seemed to me a great genius for — how can I put it ? — drawing the orchestra together and controlling it as a single expressive instrument .
4 What he had n't counted on was the tunnel effect of putting five together and pointing them into a wind that came more or less straight from the Urals after turning left over Norway .
5 Lucinda jumped to her feet , collecting cups , plates and cutlery together and placing them on the tray .
6 He shuffled papers , bringing them together and placing them to one side , face downwards .
7 erm as regards correlating things together and bunging them into the same factor analysis model and stuff like that er even if the questions are a bit different I think you can still do that legitimately because it 's still sort of expressing the strength of opinion on some sort of scale erm so I do n't see that that 'll er interfere with the ambitions you 've got as regards the data erm so er
8 But instead of meeting each problem separately and assessing it for what it is , the anorexic thinks she has a master-plan , designed to solve them all at one stroke .
9 Even though open systems may be able to meet requirements at a lower cost than perhaps the traditional proprietary systems , if you 've already paid for the traditional proprietary system , clearly there is no saving to be made by throwing it away and replacing it with the equivalent functionality on new technology .
10 ‘ We know that , Mr Vigo , ’ he said , wrenching his eyes away and fixing them on an eggshell thin service , made to contain jasmine tea .
11 The battles of Penselwood and Sherston were apparently inconclusive , although hard-fought in the case of the latter , but Edmund was able to relieve London , driving the enemy away and defeating them after crossing the Thames at Brentford .
12 It will invigorate you , clearing the night away and preparing you for the day .
13 Breeders can increase production by taking an egg away and putting it in an incubator to hatch .
14 It 's a privilege and an honour for me to thank him , on your behalf , for coming here tonight and addressing us in the way he has .
15 The wind was gusting through the branches of the old oak tree outside and hurling itself against his window .
16 This involves changing the verb altogether and replacing it with one that has a similar meaning but can be used in a different syntactic configuration .
17 The horses were being led and one of the men was limping badly and supporting himself by holding on to a stirrup .
18 Other examples in the Renaissance include the malcontent who haunts the very power structure which has alienated him , seeking reinscription within it but at the same time demystifying it , operating within and subverting it at the same time ; the revengers whose actions constitute an even more violent bid for reinscription within the very society which has alienated and dispossessed them ; the assertive women , the ‘ women on top ’ described by Natalie Zemon Davis who simultaneously appropriate , exploit , and undermine masculine discourse .
19 Gradually , by walking slowly and shielding her from the wind as much as possible with my body , I cut the wings-open time to a minimum .
20 The skill of research is in accessing fundamental points quickly and substantiating them with hard data .
21 This time Midnight moved aside and grasping him round the back of the neck as he passed , flung him headlong into the gathering crowd .
22 All at once , Melanie was back home and swathing herself in diaphanous veiling before a mirror .
23 There is nothing inherently improbable about the same company producing both and selling them to opposite sides in a war .
24 An ergonomically designed cockpit was devised labelling everything clearly and putting everything within easy reach .
25 A stress is applied to the sample by rapidly pulling rod R downwards and clamping it in position .
26 Greg is lying on one of the Palace 's luxuriant couches , gesticulating wildly and fixing me with a stare that is part ultimate artistic earnestness and part repressed pathological violence .
27 Without warning he grabbed her tennis racquet — which she 'd been swinging so nonchalantly and grasping her by the scruff of the neck , pushed her roughly over the back of a chair .
28 Lizzie was taking off her coat and hat now and laying them on a chair as she said , ‘ I 'm fine , fine .
29 Professor Barrie Wilson , Vice-Principal of Edinburgh University , who has been one of those most closely involved with implementing recent management changes , says staff are still mainly concerned with teaching well and doing lots of research .
30 At the end of the question period , refocus attention on yourself through repeating your main points , wishing everyone well and thanking them for their attention .
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