Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb base] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Combining the experience of age and the energy of youth might help all of us to understand God better and recognise him in our lives today .
2 Then awaken him gently and present him with the bill .
3 No it 's to much of a , I hate saying I 'll go out at eight o'clock and tell him to be home and at quarter too eight he has n't come and oh , I 'm to tired really , but , so I 've always played it that I will help when I when I can , but uhum , I do n't go on the committee , cos then your stuck , you 've got to go .
4 He 's the type of horse to win the ‘ John Hughes ’ but if you could ever get him settled nicely and bring him through later , he 'd run a great race in the National again . ’
5 ‘ We 'll have the police here at any moment , ready to take the boy away and throw him into prison ! ’
6 Oliver was led away to be locked up , and a reward was offered to anybody who would take him away and use him for work .
7 Bonkers ; let us put him away and keep him under sedation and have done with him , " That was the way their minds worked .
8 Why should I throw mine away and leave him with his ? ’
9 As he leapt to the attack again , he uttered a hoarse , nerve-shattering scream , the purpose of which was to startle his opponent momentarily and distract him for a fatal fraction of time .
10 Even now it has me enslaved — so that I must follow this madman willynilly and protect him from harm .
11 It was tempting to march him home and face him with my sewing machine and its 10-point threader .
12 Get him down here at once and show him through the gates .
13 That way we can put the donkey in a field at about 11am and leave him for about six hours while people have other entertainment . ’
14 ‘ Shall we bring the cat in here and hear him for ourselves ? ’ said Lady Blemley .
15 If we ca n't lure Presley here and destroy him before then , we 're history .
16 He was originally held in Safi Prison , where he developed diabetes in 1988 , but was then transferred to Marrakech where his family lives , and so could visit him regularly and provide him with the food necessary for his diabetic diet .
17 erm the managerial action which is available for you , t to take him out of there and put him into a different post , because he 's not capable of doing .
18 You haul him upstairs and throw him on the bed ; he struggles and tries to shout .
19 And he was sure that the man was begging now , for he was holding out his other hand with the palm upwards ; except that then O thought that maybe the gesture had another meaning , maybe the man was extending his hand in the hope that some passer by might take it , grasp it firmly and pull him to his feet .
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