Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb base] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There did n't seem anything else to do except take them inside and put them in water .
2 Sometimes when the little ones were weakly or had been abandoned by their mothers , we would have to take them inside and feed them by hand .
3 Just as physics and chemistry helped to modernize biology and moved it to centre stage during the past thirty years , I believe that biology is about to augment the social sciences greatly and move them to centre stage .
4 So that 's another situation and as we 'll talk about and I hinted at yesterday er the dreaded vote of thanks situation and the the er giving of the gold watch and er and the being a best man at a wedding or even a bride or groom at a wedding er again is a is a way of helping this Aldershot method is a way of helping you to get your thoughts together and put them across effectively .
5 He clipped the sheets together and put them into an envelope .
6 ‘ I put all the ingredients together and put them on individual plates , but lots of people helped get the lobster out of their shells , and Alfred made the mayonnaise .
7 If you do all that for us you can then get gather all those bits and pieces together and put them on your commission claim .
8 But she began to gather their limbs together and put them in order , head , body , arms and legs .
9 Right , will you please put your assessment sheet , which is what we have done and your graph together and put them in the centre of the table , at the end of the lesson I 'm going to have those in centre of the table no I do n't want those , they go in your file .
10 Anyone who has seen the martins and swallows in September , assembling on the telephone wires , twittering , making short flights singly and in groups over the open , stubbly fields , returning to form longer and even longer lines above the yellowing verges of the lanes — the hundreds of individual birds merging and blending , in a mounting excitement , into swarms , and these swarms coming loosely and untidily together to create a great , unorganized flock , thick at the centre and ragged at the edges , which breaks and re-forms continually like clouds or waves — until that moment when the greater part ( but not all ) of them know that the time has come : they are off and have begun once more that great southward flight which many will not survive ; anyone seeing this has seen at work the current that flows ( among creatures who think of themselves primarily as part of a group and only secondarily , if at all , as individuals ) to fuse them together and impel them into action without conscious thought or will : has seen at work the angel which drove the First Crusade into Antioch and drives the lemmings into the sea .
11 But in the UK more than 90 per cent of all aluminium cans are still thrown away — collect yours together and take them to a scrap-metal dealer .
12 ‘ The initial plan was to put companies together and bring them to the market . ’
13 " We 're going to string them together and hang them on our Christmas tree . "
14 Small booksellers often do n't have time to see however many reps would be calling on them ; they would much rather put all their orders together and send them to Hammicks or to Heathcote or whoever ; we will work with them on that .
15 While the concept of enriching teaching through the use of various and varied media , was clearly sound , there was no technology available to draw the ingredients of multimedia together and unify them with a single , practical teaching resource .
16 You must tie them together and bury them under the great gate of the city .
17 4 Gather the nuts together and place them on card .
18 If you are using hardboard or plywood , cut each of the four sides separately and join them with glue and nails .
19 Because of the pain I could n't manage to pull the sledge in the uphill parts , so I had to break the bales in half , tie them up separately and carry them to the level bits , and load up again .
20 Instead of trying to kill house dust mites , the best things is to throw pillows away and replace them with new ones which wo n't contain any allergen .
21 If you are prepared to live dangerously , you can take many of the techniques above and combine them in one image , or , you may even discover completely new applications for this superb medium .
22 To make a Covenant , just complete the two forms above and return them to us in the envelope provided .
23 Cos I got them out and I thought I must take them downstairs and give them to Maggie for her to give them to Gary .
24 When at last we got home , I would gently carry them indoors and put them into their beds , still asleep .
25 If the Americans refused permission to land , he said , he would simply take off anyway and embarrass them into giving landing permission from above Newark airport .
26 It is important that colleges and universities use the access funds sensitively and target them on those who need them .
27 She had indeed once worked for a silversmith but had discovered that it was much easier to buy beads and acquire old pieces of jewellery , rearrange them artistically and sell them on market stalls throughout the country .
28 Government concern is to develop what the Foreign Office called a mechanism to turn people round more quickly and prevent them from arriving at a destination where they were unwanted .
29 The former steel boss recalls that he was able to assimilate the theoretical aspects of senior management very quickly and implement them in an almost academic fashion .
30 ‘ We could take them home and sell them as pets .
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