Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb base] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You have to admire the ones with the guts to go it alone and make something of their lives when times are hard , even if the ways they do so are not strictly legal .
2 Herbaceous borders or mixed borders , or even the island beds of herbaceous perennials which make an interesting alternative , are a standard feature in many gardens , but few garden-owners take the word " herbaceous " literally and grow nothing but herbs in their beds or borders .
3 The boffins down at War-U-Like have invented a new toy ; a high-powered supa-dupa combat aircraft that can outfly and outblast anything in the air , and make a bigger noise doing it .
4 Perhaps we would fling pride aside and ask someone for the price of a cup of tea , actually intending to spend it on that .
5 You come home and find one inside five days . ’
6 We could go out tomorrow and get one in the market . "
7 display quite appalling ignorance of other parts of the subject — it does n't seem to matter too much to the arts faculty or the historians , that you concentrate on something here and know nothing about important things elsewhere .
8 You come down here and treat everybody like shit . ’
9 Then I walk out of here and see something in the paper and I 'm right back there . ’
10 They think hard , but as Freddie says , you ca n't just plunge in unilaterally and put everything to rights .
11 A My husband 's family live in a remote part of the Isle of Arran in Scotland , so we go there and do lots of walking .
12 Tell you what , I would love to , like to for me to be a sergeant again and get someone like that in my troop fucking break him .
13 The fact that there are several persons in addition to the group leader who can reflect and provide feedback about such negative attitudes and behaviours makes it more likely that the individual member will take such information seriously and do something about it .
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