Example sentences of "[adv] and [prep] [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They all knew they wanted to do it right away and by the next day had done something about it , ’ Chay Blyth remarks .
2 Hundreds of parachutes have been prepared for the major drop over Salisbury Plain tonight and over the next few days .
3 That much sooner and in the last hour , couple of hours we 've seen what I would call a Tweedledee and Tweedledum amendments erm because quite frankly there is n't that much difference between them er at the end of the day the impact on the people who 've had to pay the bill is virtually the same .
4 Its policy on Europe could best be described as jerking from one extreme to another within a few years , at one moment leaving the European Community altogether and in the next being willing to sign up to anything for which the EC asks ; at one moment supporting the closed shop and in the next denigrating it .
5 In fact , Los Angeles scared him a little and for the first six months he barely ventured out of the house alone .
6 He saw with pleasure that she looked cold but not frightened ; she was beginning to swim more slowly and for the first time with trust , as if the water were a friendly and not an alien element .
7 The following day she felt that everything was going very slowly and by the next day she felt that she was back to normal .
8 The town grew very slowly and in the seventeenth century suffered as a result of the Cromwellian Civil Wars .
9 The angels said it would be all right and for the first time , she thought , What if it is n't ?
10 His eyes narrowed dangerously and for a split-second Polly held her breath .
11 Despite the pain , he rode better and harder than ever and in the last five races stood on the podium four times and came within 12 seconds of his first GP win .
12 Mine Host Norman raised his glass of Highland Park whisky yesterday and for the first time managed to raise a smile from the assembled guests .
13 In the 25th minute , Mark Dunk elbowed Mike Taylor before shooting home and in the 30th minute Stepney netted from an offside position .
14 To elude Khomeinis avenging angels , Behbehanian went underground and for the next few years lived incognito at the homes of various friend , particularly in Switzerland .
15 Joe had n't the faintest idea what I was talking about but he worked away enthusiastically and by the next afternoon we were ready to hang the rope-ladder .
16 It was strange , the conversation Dad and I had , because when I saw him at home later and over the next few days he behaved as if it had never happened , as if he had n't told me he 'd fallen in love with someone else .
17 A result , I ca n't hear myself speaking if I are the policy and resources committee there were other they were erm er in the debate there were some very good cases brought in to it and some erm good recommendations and this is why I 'm surprised I 'm er forget now why , there were some who were er against by majority because I believe that when we look down on the decisions of the P N O , we have made some very good recommendations if I say so it says on twenty , paragraph twenty in and you people on this authority , members of this authority have been saying a a clear definition of the role of the local government now and for the next twenty years , should underpin any consideration of local authority management structures and the role of members and therefore the joint working party 's consideration begin from an inadequate base .
18 The changes aim to improve the high quality of our health service for everyone now and into the next century .
19 ‘ Some better bedtime reading for you , which you can enjoy now and over the next two days . ’
20 ‘ Everything had been geared towards winning today and only now and over the next two weeks will we be concentrating on the Twickenham game , ’ acknowledged Armstrong who had his usual superb display .
21 Now and in the next few seconds .
22 When a fourth axillary occurs it has a double articulation , i.e. with the posterior notal process proximally and with the third axillary distally .
23 Pastor Berndt Albani began his sermon : ‘ How will it continue , today and in the next days ?
24 As this new world takes shape , America stands at the centre of a widening circle of freedom — today , tomorrow and into the next century …
25 Fill in and return the payment instruction overleaf and for the next three months you 'll receive the New Internationalist magazine absolutely free and with no obligation , plus your gifts .
26 Few excuses can be offered for the England batsmen 's failure to pile up runs both here and in the first Test at Calcutta , where they were beaten by eight wickets .
27 However , I buy this product regularly and for the last three months the price displayed on the shelf has been £1 .
28 The victim was then hypnotised twice and during the second session he claimed to recognise the accused as the attacker .
29 Christine looked across and for the first time a defensive flabbiness crawled across her face .
30 One that I look a lot more like the Prime Minister wearing my reading glasses than the Prime Minister actually looks like the Prime Minister and two , the hidden benefits of wearing your reading glasses , group , here , is that I ca n't see a thing over there and for the first time in ten years I 'm gon na enjoy delivering a speech .
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