Example sentences of "[adv] and [adv] [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Not content with 8am and 8.30am press conferences , Mr Peter Allen , Liberal Democrat candidate for Langbaurgh , this week announced daily press conferences at 7.30am .
2 It is possible to convert between annually and semi-annually compounded yields using the following formulae : or between annually and quarterly compounded yields using the following formulae : where rm q rm s : and rm a are respectively the quarterly , semi-annually and annually compounded yields to maturity .
3 It is possible to convert between annually and semi-annually compounded yields using the following formulae : or between annually and quarterly compounded yields using the following formulae : where rm q rm s : and rm a are respectively the quarterly , semi-annually and annually compounded yields to maturity .
4 However , writing a criterion such as " can recognize an equilateral and isosceles triangle as a triangle " may encourage exposure of " standard " triangles only and thus limit pupils ' chances of understanding why the obtuse-angled figure is a triangle .
5 Although the legend refers mainly to the late-lamented Glasgow Empire , actors have long and highly trained memories , and having the theatre demolished in the middle of Act Three is not an experience that the Brotherhood of Thespians is liable to forget in a hurry .
6 That could , that needs to be maintained , it could also be extended , though of course they have great difficulties because of er their , their own financial restrictions , but we also , I think as a community , need to think about who these homeless people are , and , and not to regard them as some kind of alien population , but to realise that there are , they are our own neighbours , they are our own families that are in this predicament , and that collectively we need to join together and actually make demands on central government and locally to try and do something about it .
7 can strap the injured toes together and thereafter avoid kicks which require that the toes be pulled back .
8 Even if her scheme permits her to make additional pension contributions to make up for missing years of service , such payments will cost her more than would be the case for a man of the same age and salary status , since the arrangements assume that a woman will live longer and therefore claim benefits for longer than a man .
9 ‘ Profligate spending has not only driven employers and would-be employers away and thus lost jobs , but resources have been taken away from other areas by the rate support grant formula as the spiral of inner city decline causes the rate base in inner city areas to diminish , while their needs … grow ’
10 But since then , it 's expanded massively and now contains subjects as diverse as the Cook collection , relics from Captain Cook 's voyage to the South Pacific in 1772 , to totem poles donated by a North American Indian tribe .
11 We could shorten them anyway and just put lamps on them .
12 You must be careful altogether and not accept rides from old men with big cars . ’
13 In the two figures on the right in particular the earlier striations and hatchings have given way to more discreetly and subtly modelled planes delineating the component parts of the trunks and limbs of the figures ; these planes are angled away from each other along clearly defined ridges in some passages , but softly opened up into each other in others .
14 What delight to behave really badly and still get loads of sympathy !
15 There is a complex range of institutions and practices involved in local political activity , including economically and socially based organizations .
16 These magnetic anomalies were found to be hundreds of kilometres long and typically 20–30 km across , and it initially seemed that they were caused by alternating bands of weakly and strongly magnetized rocks .
17 here they do n't seem to keep horses/mules/donkeys , but one sees water-buffalo ponderously and patiently pulling ploughs through the ooze of the paddy-fields .
18 The need was to pick out those people who could skilfully and accurately follow instructions and do low-level clerical and administrative jobs for the metropolitan country .
19 Not only will this give us contract details at the push of a button but also allow us to manage service runs more effectively and so keep costs down .
20 And it would seem as if he had always loved men , always and only loved men .
21 Hence , the ‘ Bow-Wave Phenomenon ’ turned into the ‘ Barrack Square Syndrome ’ , in which the only way to mop up money was to spend it on a few quickly and easily let contracts , like refurbishing barrack squares and military roads !
22 Filtration should be good , but with minimal water surface movement , as Arowanas live in still and slow moving waters in South America .
23 Rural Britain would more and more resemble parts of the American mid-west .
24 Part of the problem is that , because we know we should be cutting down on the amount of sugar we eat , we 're turning more and more to diet drinks , which contain artificial sweeteners like saccharin .
25 ‘ In the past 12 months his play has come more and more to dominate phases of the game , especially against Wales and Ireland .
26 But if we do clear-mindedly and explicitly take decisions riot to have necessitating circumstances , do we call them effects at all ?
27 The men cam frequently to the Hopkin 's home and always brought gifts .
28 The governing process refers not only to the activities of Cabinet , Parliament , nationally and locally elected representatives but also includes those of the large public bureaucracies of civil servants , the police , the army , the courts and so on .
29 At the E end of the gardens is one of the most harmoniously and perfectly proportioned buildings in Prague .
30 And then I had tried harder and harder to obtain opiates and would do my damnedest to get hold of morphine , opium , diamorph and anything , y'know … .
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