Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] them [art] " in BNC.

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1 Double positives are taken away making it negative and your H positives go in here , making it positive , so you get a you get a little a little potential difference , a little difference in voltage , which gives a Any any two metals if you put them together and make them a bit damp , or even if you do n't make them damp , you usually get a little a tiny voltage .
2 To break contact , move your hands close together again , slide them away and give them a good shake to remove any tingling ( or even tension ) picked up from your partner .
3 That would take the smile off their faces all right and give them a few seconds relief .
4 But they met anyway , in part because in their early childhood one or other of their parents , usually but not always the father , had taken them aside and told them a great responsibility would fall to them : the carrying forward of a hermetically protected family secret , and in part because the Society looked after its own .
5 There 's always a girl of good breeding to marry and a wise old servant to welcome them home and run them a bath on page 342 .
6 Er and er you 'd say , well try and get on old sheet and wash it thoroughly and iron them the p cut it up and iron them with a hot iron .
7 James bowed ironically and offered them the document ; Alexander Menzies pretended to think about it for a full five minutes and signed it with extraordinary flourishes that made the pen splutter and seemed to say , ‘ Very well , I will humour your ridiculous ritual . ’
8 I 've been there before and played well , and Dunwell , Withall ; there 's no reason why not and then bring Port Vale back here and give them a good — they 're a good side Port Vale , they 've done exceptionally well .
9 I looked across and gave them a wave and wondered if they would still be alive next time I visited Breville .
10 So I 'll bring that list in for you to have a look at , and you might spot your own society in there and give them a ring and see what they , they 've got on offer .
11 Ah I think it 's just erm y'know kind of erm type them out neatly and give them a go really erm
12 Spotting a stricken boat , they are amazed when a terrified young man ( Billy Zane ) swims towards them , climbs aboard and tells them a horrifying story about an attack of food poisoning .
13 The irregularity of his semi-bigamous relationship with Ælfgifu of Northampton ( see Chapter 4 ) and levy of £82,500 in 1018 did not fulfil the Christian king 's duty to tax his people lightly and set them a good example , and in the early years of the reign many churchmen doubtless feared the worst .
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