Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Another way of creating a bad impression at a social interview is by being so self-conscious and aware of what is going on that you are unable to act naturally and show yourself in the best possible light .
2 I would have you stay a week only and behave yourself with kindness to me .
3 'As you all know , this was to have been a happy occasion , an opportunity for members old and new to join together and indulge ourselves with history in pleasant surroundings , linked in our common interest by the traditions of the Circle .
4 So that you may vanish away and hide yourself from me ?
5 She twisted her face away and kept herself from crying out .
6 He turned away and swung himself into the saddle of the horse that Bravd was holding .
7 Doreen turned her broad kindly face away and busied herself with dinner preparations .
8 Doctor McCann turned an exasperated face away and addressed himself to Peg .
9 He did what any timorous man in a panic would do , ran away and hid himself within the community , where he was known and respected , and no one would ever guess he had attempted such a deed . ’
10 He is not convinced that having read them aspiring managers can go away and teach themselves to be good leaders .
11 Still trembling , she got out finally and wrapped herself in a huge towel and padded into the kitchen to put the kettle on .
12 The wind was gusting through the branches of the old oak tree outside and hurling itself against his window .
13 It was here that Sybil decided to give up acting altogether and dedicate herself to Richard 's career and the eagerly expected family .
14 Parties , in many respects , were no longer taken seriously by the voters ; many more people now disavowed parties altogether and declared themselves to be independents .
15 As a sign of this substitution the ancient totem meal was revived in the form of communion , in which the company of brothers consumed the flesh and blood of the son — no longer the father — obtained sanctity thereby and identified themselves with him .
16 The horses were being led and one of the men was limping badly and supporting himself by holding on to a stirrup .
17 She pulled back the front curtain vigorously and revealed herself to be young and jolly-looking .
18 Perhaps you could go and fight in one of those wars they 're always having somewhere and lose yourself in the din of battle .
19 Finally I decided to decline politely and throw myself on the mercy of an acquaintance instead . ’
20 Would set all cares aside and devote himself to Fei Yen .
21 I welcome what the Home Secretary said about Le Pen 's visit to Britain , but will he go a little further and dissociate himself from those of his colleagues who are seeking to meet that man ?
22 Coffin went home and let himself into his flat .
23 He knew he deserved nothing and so he decided to go home and throw himself on his father 's mercy .
24 Then they built a sand-castle with ramparts and a moat and turrets , and stopped off at a café on their way home and treated themselves to a delicious cream tea .
25 All at once , Melanie was back home and swathing herself in diaphanous veiling before a mirror .
26 If you still feel worried while you 're out , ring home and reassure yourself by speaking to your child .
27 Julia answered civilly and resigned herself to half an hour 's polite conversation .
28 The subscription is quoted at £3 3s. 0d. for Gentlemen and £2 2s. 0d. for Ladies and urges those wanting to join ‘ to do so at once and avail themselves of the present low subscription free of entrance fee ’ .
29 He greeted them briskly and folded himself into a chair .
30 In the Macdonald household at Armadale , he asked questions busily and settled himself to a general spirit of enquiry , the fruits of which he then presents in his Journey .
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