Example sentences of "[adv] of the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes portraits of mature adults were used for children and adolescents , not necessarily of the same sex as the intended subject .
2 It is necessarily of the same quality as the data used to support managerial control , because it is that data , used for a different purpose ; and because the data is of a type already in currency , its use needs no special explanation or defence .
3 Legs , perhaps of the same body have turned up and last year yet another body , or rather the 70 or so fragments of what had been a body , had it not been mangled by machinery , were recovered .
4 The First Bank of Kazakstan has bought the software element only of the same system .
5 The two-mile ridge on which both Panshanger and Maran Hill stood was composed entirely of the same mixture , locally known as ‘ hoggin . ’
6 As our work has sometimes been interpreted as conflicting with that of Labov , it should be noted here that the above characterization of the speech community is fundamentally of the same type as his and can be seen as derivative from his insights .
7 Myra greeted her with suppressed excitement and Claudia wished she could feel even a little of the same anticipation .
8 Jacobs and Kinsella makes it clear that the consideration which courts must now take into account is not whether a custodial sentence was necessary to protect the public from offenders generally of the same type , but whether it was necessary to protect the public from a particular offender .
9 Hard solders , on the other hand , were usually of the same metal as the object they were used on , but alloyed with a few per cent of another metal in order to reduce the melting point .
10 The squares themselves are usually of the same kind of decoration , i.e. cable or simple guilloche , although the colour of their patterns can vary ( indeed , this is a favourite method of emphasizing their contrast ) .
11 Of course we might assume that in our stationary state every business remained always of the same size , and with the same trade connection .
12 The work being investigated is always of the same type and difficulty .
13 Mark usually achieved this by thinking out an arresting beginning , nearly always of the same type , asking his congregation to imagine themselves standing gazing at the Pyramids or the Acropolis or even the New York skyline , hardly realising , until Sophia pointed it out to him , that these sights would be unfamiliar to the majority of his hearers .
14 If this option is chosen , or automatically following Option 0 , the user is required first to provide a dark background — preferably of the same material as will be used as a background to the subject and then a light background ( not necessarily white ) .
15 Determined not to be put down , she said , ‘ There 's really no more to add except that I would like to know if you are still of the same opinion . ’
16 May I do so and see whether he is still of the same mind ?
17 Tomorrow more of the same sunshine and showers .
18 What did bother her was the realisation that very soon Luke could find himself part of the same mess .
19 Line 25 is probably of the same type .
20 The smooths bore little resemblance to the early skins , although they were clearly of the same descent .
21 Seeking the guidance of a sponsor — someone further into recovery in the same Fellowship and customarily of the same sex — to provide encouragement , challenge and guidance on the journey towards recovery .
22 In patients with MEN 1 associated Zollinger-Ellison sydrome , howeve , diffuse and linear cell hyperplasia were roughly of the same order ( 53% and 47% , respectively ) .
23 At 10 a.m. of the same day workmen , employed by the tenants , retook factual possession and started work .
24 In the eyes of the unhappy infantry , the heavy gunners may have been a breed apart , but beyond them lay one small body of men that seemed to be not even of the same world .
25 Regular staff , sometimes nominally of the same grade , provide a sort of supervision for them in the initial period and themselves tend to find that during the peak period they are doing , or doing more consistently , more responsible jobs than during the rest of the year .
26 I was to see her years later , and talk much of Eliot , they were fellow-citizens of St Louis , Missouri , and almost of the same age .
27 Even in physique they were very much alike , both being thick in the shoulders and almost of the same colouring , except that Joe 's hair showed a black sheen whereas Harry 's was a dark brown , thick matt .
28 1993 has started well with deliveries ahead of the same period last year and ahead of budget .
29 ‘ Trading in the first quarter of our new financial year has been up to our expectations and is well ahead of the same period last year , ’ he said .
30 Earlier atomism had always involved atoms ultimately of the same stuff ; and in the nineteenth century ‘ physical atoms ’ , the real ultimate building-blocks of the world ( probably of very few different sorts ) were distinguished from Dalton 's ‘ chemical atoms ’ , the smallest units taking part in chemical changes .
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