Example sentences of "[adv] the same [noun sg] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Your personality sets boundaries on what you can and can not do in rather the same way that your physical build also sets constraints .
2 This means that instead of being a monolithic operating system running monolithic applications , the program just calls in bits of code as they are needed from libraries of routines — rather the same way that ICL Plc 's VME mainframe operating system works .
3 This means that instead of being a monolithic operating system running monolithic applications , the program just calls in bits of code as they are needed from libraries of routines — rather the same way that ICL Plc 's VME mainframe operating system works .
4 All substances contain various amounts of energy within their chemical structures in rather the same way that the ball in Figure 6.4 possesses a potential energy proportional to its height above some datum .
5 Several modifications have been made to this bridge in the century and a half since its completion , but it remains basically the same bridge that Telford designed , and was one of the great civil-engineering achievements of the period .
6 Yes I do , there 's still injury doubts over Alan Jedsa , Paul keeps his place in the side , he did n't have a particular good game against Notts County ; one horrendous effort — error there , but he has played well generally and especially the same side that started that match at Notts County , so we can expect to see both full backs pushing up and really hopefully an open game like the one against Port Vale .
7 There was , too , something unaccountable about Richard — perhaps the same wilfulness that induced him to live offshore although his marriage was in a perilous state — which attracted him to Pratts because celebrations were only held there for the death of a king or queen .
8 It 's much the same attitude that meant Darlington fans at Torquay last Saturday had to pay £6 to stand behind the goal , a quid more than the home crowd .
9 When in 1967 E. R. Leach made exactly the same point on the BBC , there was a national uproar with bishops and pundits of all kinds fulminating in the newspapers against the impiety of the idea , in much the same way that they had done against Engels almost a hundred years before .
10 The two schools became closely associated with the Whig and Tory Parties , in much the same way that the Labour and Conservative Parties champion non-nuclear and nuclear policies today .
11 A wide range of scientific methods can be usefully employed to unmask fakes and fraudulent restorations , in much the same way that forensic methods are used in criminal investigations .
12 Their graves were tended by surviving relatives in much the same way that they looked after the house of an absent friend .
13 I once went to the trouble of having a pair made in the finest white doeskin but fortunately I have now outgrown such extravagances in much the same way that I have outgrown the petty conversations and banal posturings of those who frequent literary gatherings or , worse , television studio canteens .
14 The discovery of Italian bronze coins of the third century BC in the area of modern Yugoslavia may perhaps indicate the presence there of individual pilgrims , tourists , soldiers or traders from Italy , in much the same way that the presence of hundreds of thousands of Islamic silver coins in Viking hoards of the eighth to tenth centuries is a reflection of the eastward penetration of Viking traders , who exchanged objects such as furs , slaves and amber for silver coinage .
15 Most Muslims and Croats in Bosnia believe the Yugoslav army , whose officer corps is now almost completely Serbian , is helping Serbs to capture territory in the republic in much the same way that they backed Serbs in the Croatian civil war .
16 The metaphysician uses the word ‘ substance ’ of the ‘ thing itself ’ , and thinks of its various properties as attached to it in much the same way that garments become attached to a clothes horse .
17 The computer was programmed by Jewish scholars to examine the text for differences of word usage in much the same way that Shakespeare 's plays or Paul 's letters have been examined to determine whether they were written by their putative authors .
18 The past decade has seen immense progress in elucidating the scientific basis for a proper discipline of programming : it is now possible to prove that a computer program meets its specification , in much the same way that mathematicians and engineers know how to prove the correctness of a proposed solution to the relevant differential equations .
19 In effect they will be assessing you in much the same way that you make your own self-assessment and then trying to match you to jobs in the way that you should do when applying for jobs directly .
20 There is no constitutional objection to a publicly owned enterprise being run by a central government department , in much the same way that the Prison Service is presently run by the Home Office .
21 The early choices will be painful , of course , but in much the same way that ‘ pins and needles ’ are painful when your leg has gone to sleep .
22 Bell and his colleagues now believe these were caused by head-on fights with opponents , who appeared to lunge at each other in much the same way that present-day crocodiles do , but with more apparent gusto , using strong jaws to tear at each other 's snouts .
23 Towards the late afternoon , exhausted by its own violence , it began to die slowly and soon the ‘ great noise for nothing ’ became a gasping puff , The doors were opened and we stared at the drifts of dust which had banked against houses and cars in much the same way that snow drifts against walls and trees .
24 They are fixed in much the same way that ceramic tiles are stuck to internal walls , but using a special adhesive mortar suitable for outdoor use .
25 She gives you ‘ The Look ’ in much the same way that Lauren Bacall does , and you play the game — Michael Parkinson set the rules with Shirley MacLaine .
26 In much the same way that Kodak announced , in May of last year ( ahead of the actual launch ) , its plans for its revolutionary Photo CD project , ( a new technology which will revolutionise the way that pictures are viewed ) , so too Reebok , in March of this year , made a pre-emptive strike by announcing that it will be launching , ( initially at the Olympics in July ) , its latest technology , which will be introduced to tennis at the US Open , in September .
27 Yet , like the Christian cross , the sacral horns were used in a general symbolic way , and it may be that the Labyrinth was , as a whole , dedicated to Poteidan even though individual sanctuaries and shrines within it were dedicated to other deities , in much the same way that within a cathedral there may be chapels dedicated to a variety of Christian saints .
28 It is likely that the Minoan sacral horns acquired these and possibly additional symbolic meanings , becoming a layered symbol , in much the same way that the Cross of Christ has been transformed in religious art to take on all sorts of new overtones .
29 There can be no doubt that the buckle-end of a belt could be a formidable weapon , but in fact the belts were often pricked out in fancy patterns or embellished with metal studs in much the same way that modern motor-bike boys adorn their jackets with stud designs .
30 We wished to share our story , in much the same way that one might tug a friend 's arm and call his or her attention to a striking landscape , or a spectacular sunset .
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