Example sentences of "[adv] the same [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 With eights and nines off his card , he was making mostly the same numbers as everyone else , just in a different way and order .
2 I was pleased we were talking about girls because I felt this was a subject where Andy 's two extra years did n't really count ; I was effectively the same age as him , and maybe I even knew more than he did because I mixed with girls every day and he only really knew his sister Clare .
3 Your personality sets boundaries on what you can and can not do in rather the same way that your physical build also sets constraints .
4 This means that instead of being a monolithic operating system running monolithic applications , the program just calls in bits of code as they are needed from libraries of routines — rather the same way that ICL Plc 's VME mainframe operating system works .
5 This means that instead of being a monolithic operating system running monolithic applications , the program just calls in bits of code as they are needed from libraries of routines — rather the same way that ICL Plc 's VME mainframe operating system works .
6 All substances contain various amounts of energy within their chemical structures in rather the same way that the ball in Figure 6.4 possesses a potential energy proportional to its height above some datum .
7 This makes the transitions less well defined and subject to jitter in rather the same way as a multivibrator will jitter if the initial approach to transistor turn-on is not rapid .
8 In other words , the new company would start life structured in rather the same way as BP , with a Government shareholding but without the Government taking any part in the business .
9 In rather the same way as in some Basic Needs Strategies , a checklist of desirable attributes of a good strategy can be compiled ( Blaikie , Cameron & Seddon 1979 ) .
10 They seem to act on the host 's nervous system in rather the same way as an addictive drug .
11 Moreover , white holes , by acting as conduits to bring new material and spacetime into new regions of the Universe , would act in rather the same way as ‘ Little Bangs ’ , at least on the local level ( the ‘ locality ’ , of course , being extremely large ) .
12 It 's judged in somewhat the same way as a divorce settlement , the same sort of amount .
13 The eye is basically the same shape as ours , but there is no lens and the pupil is just a hole that lets the seawater into the hollow interior of the eye .
14 The festival itself is moving into its second decade and keeps basically the same shape as in other years .
15 Erm it 'll be basically the same shape as what you 've seen in that .
16 Growing tropical nymphaea is basically the same procedure as with ‘ hardies ’ providing you ensure the following :
17 ‘ They have kept a low profile and they have basically the same squad as won an All Ireland .
18 In his view , it was a great strength of English law that governmental officials were subject to basically the same laws as private citizens to the extent that these covered the activities of government .
19 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the reasons why we are updating Trident are basically the same reasons as caused the Labour Government to update our nuclear deterrent by bringing in Chevaline , the difference being that we are doing it openly and they did it under wraps ?
21 The element of continuity with previous Unity campaigns was thus preserved and the Cripps Memorandum received support from basically the same groups and individuals who had supported him on previous occasions .
22 Increasingly through last year it became apparent that what CSRG wanted was ‘ basically the same thing as BSDI : ’ an unencumbered commercial system .
23 Several modifications have been made to this bridge in the century and a half since its completion , but it remains basically the same bridge that Telford designed , and was one of the great civil-engineering achievements of the period .
24 These words are of significance as they tie in with the title ‘ Futility ’ because all three words have basically the same meaning and their use enhances this feeling of futility throughout the poem for the reader .
25 Yes I do , there 's still injury doubts over Alan Jedsa , Paul keeps his place in the side , he did n't have a particular good game against Notts County ; one horrendous effort — error there , but he has played well generally and especially the same side that started that match at Notts County , so we can expect to see both full backs pushing up and really hopefully an open game like the one against Port Vale .
26 There was , too , something unaccountable about Richard — perhaps the same wilfulness that induced him to live offshore although his marriage was in a perilous state — which attracted him to Pratts because celebrations were only held there for the death of a king or queen .
27 If in a sense it means how early can you teach children facts and contents and very straightforward knowledge , then I think the answer is not very early at all because it may be fairly meaningless that you could teach a child to repeat Newton 's law , perhaps the same way as you could teach him to repeat the eleven times table , but without a good concept of number or what Newton meant .
28 If in a sense it means how early can you teach children facts and contents and very straightforward knowledge , then I think the answer is not very early at all because it may be fairly meaningless that you could teach a child to repeat Newton 's law , perhaps the same way as you could teach him to repeat the eleven times table , but without a good concept of number or what Newton meant .
29 And in the faculty he was surrounded by several men of substance with much the same opinions though with less hardness in their advocacy .
30 Documents containing both text and simple graphics can be created using much the same equipment except that a graphics screen will now be essential in order to see the charts and graphs .
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