Example sentences of "[adv] like [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Such cells were able to maintain their preference when the heads were inverted or other difficulties placed in the way of recognition , and one would much like to know about the computational principles and physiological mechanisms that performed the task .
2 v. We also need to increase the number of Medau classes being taught and if anyone thinks they might like an additional class or is already considering opening one and would like help to promote it , needs an introduction to pave the way with a new Institute , Leisure Centre or other official body or would just like to talk over the possibilities , please get in touch with me — I shall be delighted to hear from you .
3 I 'd just like to disagree with the gentleman that said that er the , the child benefit should be mean tested for us .
4 It 's interesting actually that it says on all the outsides of all the tapes Aston Business School so I 'd just like to say for the benefit of the tape recorder and the British National Corpus , this is where the Business School ends and this is where Psychology takes over .
5 Well , I 'd just like to comment on the , as here we 're talking about the Environment Officer .
6 I 'd just like to elude to the er positive string on exchange , we take our profits in during the year at an average rate , but the cash benefit obviously er year on year is , is better than that er to the extent that the erm dollar has strengthened throughout the year or by the year end against the pound and we get the full benefit of that in our cash flow .
7 I 'm not a good runner , I 'm not a fast runner , I just like to get to the finish if I can . ’
8 Identifying these will often give you some ideas about the path you would most like to take in the future .
9 ‘ Well , I always like to help around the house .
10 You know besides the fact that I I wan na work when I 'm when I 'm not working , I still like to get out the house and get involved in something .
11 Although the instruction books that come with new machines recommend certain ways of setting such machines up , I have always liked to experiment across the range of possible settings .
12 Would my right honourable friend care to pay tribute to the work of the training and enterprise councils in helping women particularly who want to get back into work by providing child care facilities er and would he also like to comment on the threshold scheme in Northampton which he visited last week which is an example of partnership between the public sector , the private sector , the TECs er promoting this sort of work .
13 For those readers who are optically minded , you might also like to ponder over the design difficulties associated with a lens system which comes into direct contact with water , where the refractive indices of the organic water-based lens and the surrounding watery medium itself are very similar .
14 You might also like to browse in the cookery section of your local library or bookshop .
15 I also like to plant in the autumn to allow the winter rains and mists to work for me .
16 The difference between Jarvefelt and , say , Peter Hall — who also likes to keep to the basic narrative — was that Jarvefelt was innocent , cool and sober .
17 I would now like to turn to the symbol of the Virgin Mary in the light of this discussion .
18 Well that will seem to me to be a bit more but obviously it 's up to you but it may not quite work out as neatly as erm but you may well like to think about the role of women as perceived , the way they treat men and relationships .
19 John and Rupert sat down rather stiffly , not quite liking to roam about the room appraising the furniture and objects , as Mervyn was doing .
20 He sometimes likes to mix with the troops — especially the good-looking female ones . ’
21 There is no good reason why that traditional understanding should now be abandoned , however inconvenient it may be to some of those who would otherwise like to shelter under the umbrella of the term " democracy " .
22 If you 'd occasionally like to potter around the bay on a windsurfer or small dinghy , hire by the hour or day from the beach by Athos Hotel .
23 I would actually like to insist on the resolution .
24 If , however , you 're after more sophistication in both sound and facilities , and if you occasionally like to wander on the wild side , then the ME-10 is the way to go .
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