Example sentences of "[adv] turn [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was like all that ego-building which eventually turns into a monster .
2 As I climbed the stairs for the second time that morning , more wearily this time , I heard the sound of a keg being gently turned in a lock .
3 Old , harmless Enoch suddenly turned into a Shylock and demanded that Bobby remove his pound of flesh .
4 However tenuous it may have become , once a marriage is under threat it can suddenly turn into a territory which has to be defended at all costs , like the Falklands .
5 Because he was clinging to the rudder , the plane slowly turned in a circle and headed back to the island .
6 This is a lovely climb in itself , up what quite soon turns from a valley into a defile .
7 And this recession that we 've been coming out of for so many years now it 's I mean it 's just turned into a bit of a joke !
8 She looked around the lighted bays as if expecting to see one somewhere , providentially turning on a spit .
9 The vamp was soon turning into a lady again though , and by the third song , a moody version of the classic Little Anthony and the Imperials hit ‘ Tears On My Pillow ’ , the audience was seeing a sophisticated side to Kylie too .
10 It 's just turning into a pattern .
11 I thought of all the multitudes who had lain upon its hard , steel bed staring upwards , their fears and hopes filling the room , waiting only for its pronouncements when can easily turn into a foe .
12 Such an open display of adultery was suddenly the fashionable sport among cavalrymen , but it could too easily turn into a blood sport and the Duchess feared for Lord John 's life .
13 To anyone used to watching cycles of economic growth , investment and speculation , the conclusion should be obvious : such collective euphoria is the clearest possible sign that China 's extraordinary economic boom will shortly turn into a bust .
14 The game can be developed , rapidly turned into a form of role play — a " Hunter and Hunted " situation — by asking , " Who are you ? "
15 The Way Forward quickly turned into a retreat .
16 THE long-overdue reform of Britain 's national health service ( NHS ) started on April 1st and quickly turned into a shouting-match .
17 In 1950 the Russians had their headquarters in what had been the Imperial Hotel , a fine baroque building which the Russians had quickly turned into a slum as they found it hard to understand the intricacies of a modern plumbing and toilet system which few of them had ever seen before .
18 Alas , power corrupts — Bangler quickly turned into a tyrant .
19 We may sec one and the same object changing in shape so as to be transformed into something different — as the baby that Alice was holding gradually turned into a pig before her eyes .
20 This can quickly turn into a game of bluff .
21 Surprisingly , this reference to child-killing is later turned into a reality by the Thane of Cawdor himself .
22 Torridge also , on awaking , went to seek the magician and was also turned into a stream .
23 Native peoples throughout the world were also turned into a source of picturesque ethnic entertainment on railway stations .
24 She was represented as a nice girl temporarily turned into a witch by strange creatures ( including , in Tanning 's designs , men described as Owl Heads and Bald Heads ) who interrupt a rendezvous with her lover in a mysterious castle .
25 As he continues with the prayer that those who receive the sacrament may " be fulfilled with all hevenly benediction and grace through Jesus Christ " , so Rolle in The Form of Living now turns to a description of the interior awareness of this fulfilment .
26 This , diverted , now turned into a recital about every distant relative Neil Cochrane possessed , all of whom , apparently , had only one wish — to see him back in polite society again .
27 The distant hills were burnt to the ashen colour of the landscape Martini 's horseman rode through , each crowned by its sweltering farmhouse , now turned into a holiday home .
28 In the mud , which the shelling had now turned to a consistency of sticky butter , troops stumbled and fell repeatedly ; cursing in low undertones , as if fearful of being overheard by the enemy who relentlessly pursued them with his shells at every step .
29 What had started with Jones as a search for muon catalysed fusion , then theory on piezonuclear fusion in his paper with van Sieclen and with Palmer as a puzzle about the gases emitting from volcanoes , was now turning into a search for entirely new routes to fusion .
30 Outside number 1015 the rest of the world came and went , while the porch door swung open and shut even more frequently , as the October wind strengthened , forcing the few passers-by to bend into what was now turning into a gale and to clutch at their hats .
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