Example sentences of "[adv] become a [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yvonne joined the class , became ‘ hooked ’ and herself eventually became a Medau teachers .
2 He began by building up the scout movement in the NorthEast and eventually became a scout commissioner .
3 I am slowly becoming a travelling salesman called Pete .
4 We all know that Britain will only become a world class economy if we have a strong well-balanced manufacturing base , employing skilled , trained workforce , a workforce which has decent conditions of employment and has legal protection , but we do still have some members within the service sector and within the professional rank and what has happened in the last five or six years to those members ?
5 If I could convince Bill Gates to include it with DOS ( no chance ! ) it would suddenly become a DOS command .
6 However , it is deemed unlikely to reactivate the effort despite contentions that the Intel work taking priority — largely the stuff of Open Desktop 2.0 coming out this summer — could be easily ported to the MIPS platform should it suddenly become a volume player .
7 Once a northern manufacturing city , Leeds has suddenly become a financial-services centre .
8 They were tagged ‘ miserable sods ’ — a label that soon became a standing joke — and the arguments raged .
9 With its demented self-referentiality , its abrupt and dreamlike transpositions of settings and the head-spinning ease with which each sketch would dovetail into its successor , Monty Python soon became a cult show , albeit achieving viewing figures to rival those of the cosiest and most conventional sitcom ; and its peculiar brand of humour , which contrived to be both anarchically delirious and quintessentially British , transferred without strain to the cinema , as witness And Now for Something Completely Different ( a portmanteau film of the best-known TV sketches ) , Monty Python and the Holy Grail , Jabberwocky , The Life of Brian , The Meaning of Life and , released only last week , Erik the Viking .
10 Fire broke out in an old , litter-strewn stand which soon became a death trap in which fifty-six people perished .
11 Greece applied for membership in 1975 and finally became a Member State on 1 January 1981 .
12 Time Was Away became a cult book among illustration students .
13 He thus became a gutter urchin who haunted the London waterfront .
14 There was talk of India soon becoming a grain exporter and she discontinued PL480 shipments in 1971 because of shortage of storage capacity .
15 At nineteen Michael Ryan was already becoming a neighbourhood legend .
16 Insignia figures that emulation will become de rigeur on all machines by and by and that it will just become a utility house .
17 ‘ It self-seeds ’ could soon become a warning note , striking as much fear into gardeners hearts as ‘ It propagates easily from root cuttings ’ does to anyone who has tried in vain to remove some acanthus or bindweed from a flower bed .
18 The Eiger , Drummond hopes , having been claimed by Hitler after the Nordwand climb of 1936 , will thus become a world mountain .
19 A fresh wind of educational change can so easily become a chill wind , however , and , if it does , the most vulnerable of our children will suffer .
20 The outspoken Mrs Clinton , an assertive Leftish lawyer , has already become a campaign issue because of a scathing remark she made about women who ‘ stay at home and bake cookies ’ and because Mr Clinton says he will consider her for a job in his Cabinet once he wins the White House .
21 From Dent , the street opposite the Sedgwick memorial is taken ; this soon becomes a country lane followed for a mile and a half to Deepdale Methodist Chapel , ignoring a signposted branch to Ingleton after a mile .
22 At the post office there is a clear indication for the turn off to the left , which very soon becomes a forest track that comes out on to a metalled road after 10 minutes walk .
23 ‘ When you 've got targets and incentives it just becomes a family planning programme and not much more than that ’ Tricia Parker , Oxfam Bangladesh
24 The Moscow International Currency Exchange is soon to become a Sprint Networks customer : according to Izvestiya , the exchange will be using Sprint 's electronic mail service ; the currency exchange determines the official exchange rate of the rouble against foreign currencies at twice weekly exchange sessions .
25 That meant that Jews , Romans , Egyptians , Phoenicians , Babylonians and even the Indians ( Asoka 's edicts ) entered Greek literature with contributions of their own : what Xanthus did for the Lydians in the fifth century B.C. became a routine performance .
26 It was here that a friendly Johnny Marr , embarrassed by success , deliberately became a father figure to smaller local acts practising in the rooms next door .
27 The November 1992 unveiling quickly became a pipe dream , and the museum now plans to finish the new wing incrementally .
28 The week quickly became a Whitaker benefit , but Milton was worryingly out of luck , tipping a fence in both the main classes .
29 What had begun as a process — the Mods ' narcissism and the Beatles ' androgyny illustrating new ways of regarding gender and the self — quickly became a sales device ( Beatles ' wigs , etc ) ; yet as this public exploration of sexuality met no barriers and the blurring effect of drugs took hold , it turned back , in 1966/7 , into an ever deeper examination of more ‘ private ’ layers of sexual divergence , of which homosexuality had always been the most easily codified .
30 Its forgiving nature and subsequent popularity proved to be the Kiwi 's downfall however : ordinary palates quickly developed a taste for it too and , from being a deli or specialist greengrocery item , requiring hours to track down ( note the vital equation : time to spare + money to spare = status ) it quickly became a supermarket staple in the expanding section of exotics .
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