Example sentences of "[adv] leave the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While not seeking to cave your opponent 's ribs in , do strike hard enough to leave the refereeing panel in no doubt at all that contact has been made on the scoring area .
2 ‘ Mike Leander has basically left the music business , Jeff Wayne was busy with ‘ Spartacus ’ and Visconti wanted an astronomical fee .
3 The twins , who had only left the Pony Club two years ago , pushed off to see their old chums .
4 But they , with other accountants , were soon to leave the search business — which they found ‘ 10% income 90% headache ’ — and the field on the West Coast was left wide open for Korn/Ferry , whose only competitors were Heidrick and Struggles in Los Angeles .
5 so , sh oh she said you , oh first of all she said you can go and get the key , so I said oh no I 'm not bothered about the key I said if you could just leave the side gate open , so erm
6 Thornton had just left the Mirror Group after a brief but interesting spell in newspapers .
7 A nine year old whose father had just left the family home would be unlikely to be able to concentrate upon mathematics or science if he were beset with worries about his mother .
8 Essentially there are no revisions no revisions in expectations if if gamma equals zero right , this right hand side top here completely disappears and if you wanted t just leave the error turning then then any changes in expectations there 's no systematic behaviour .
9 ( A coup in Venda on April 5 , to be covered in the April news digest , brought to power a military regime demanding reintegration into South Africa , and thus left the Bophuthatswana regime alone in seeking to sustain separate development . )
10 Above left The wallpaper frieze in the sitting room came from America and was fearfully expensive , but Angela could n't resist it because it reminded her of two pictures in her bedroom , of fruit and flowers painted on black velvet .
11 You want to tell this dumb-fuck donkey son of a Shiite whore that Daod just left the country right under his nose ? ’
12 ‘ Or what if , ’ he said , ‘ what if — Chelsi just leaves the experiment lab earlier ? ’
13 The manager can see one month ahead and knows that normal spending would still leave the budget underspent .
14 This will still leave the nitrogen fixing roots of beans or the deep roots of chicory to be chopped up as the ground is cultivated .
15 ‘ I always leave the hall light on when I go out , ’ Ianthe explained .
16 A useful rule of documentaries is that re-creations of scenes which occurred before filming always leave the viewer feeling cheated .
17 But they have deliberately left the story line open … just in case .
18 Lord Waddington quickly left the swish hotel to return to his official residence Government House — a 60-room Victorian mansion with swimming pool and 30 acres of gardens .
19 CHAT show host David Letterman offers these signs that your marriage is n't working : YOUR wife is always leaving the dinner table to go on dates .
20 Very few people ever left the isolation hospital and visitors had to sit behind a glass screen .
21 The experiments , however , involved drawing fibres and blowing bubbles of molten glass and one day , after the work had been going on for some months , Lockspeiser went home leaving the gas torch used for melting the glass still burning .
22 N. If you are knitting full needle rib then you can probably leave the stitch size a t the size you have been using , or increase it by half a number .
23 ‘ He also left the wall safe in the bathroom open .
24 McKinsey and Price Waterhouse also left the search industry , with only Peat 's — of all the firms identified as forming the second phase of the history of headhunting — remaining in the business .
25 For women , money purchase schemes are problematic in that early contributions are likely to promote the best returns , yet younger women typically leave the labour force for several years and/or work part-time on motherhood .
26 When you now leave the design screen and select KNITTING from the main menu , the design will be sent from the controller to the machine as a fancy stitch , meaning slip , tuck or whatever .
27 Although their new competitors are now leaving the market place , they have caused considerable damage to the commercial position of Franklin and SelecTronics .
28 Plans to draw up registers of potentially contaminated land are already being fiercely debated — although they have n't even left the drawing board yet .
29 Lastly , always sleep with some ventilation in bedrooms to prevent night-time condensation there ; if it 's too cold to have the window ajar , then leave the bedroom door open instead .
30 Colonel Hoggatt started it in Chevisham Manor when he was Chief Constable in 1860 , then left the manor house to his force when he died .
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