Example sentences of "[adv] see [prep] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 In this short time , traditional Alpine life , even flora and fauna are almost only seen in museums or protected areas .
2 She felt intimidated ; these men were the most powerful in the land , men you only saw on television or in the press .
3 Although horses only see in black and white , which is really varying forms of grey like in black and white photographs , they are much more conscious of colour than we would expect .
4 This eye-mask device is extremely common among fish , with literally hundreds of species employing it , and it is also widely seen in snakes and frogs .
5 The customer services team are rarely seen by customers but maintain close contact with every one of them over the telephone .
6 Unfortunately it is too far south to be properly seen from Britain or the northern United States , but when high up it is truly impressive , and it is easy to conjure up the picture of a scorpion from the long line of bright stars , with the ‘ head ’ and the ‘ sting ’ .
7 In the ‘ sting ’ ( never easily seen from England and the northern United States , and not at all from Scotland ) Lesath and Shaula give the impression of being a very wide pair , but they are not associated ; of the two Lesath is much the more luminous and remote .
8 Dora Bryan repeats her West End role in 70 Girls 70 ( May 11–16 ) , while Alvin Stardust treats audiences to A Slice of Saturday Night ( May 1823 ) , already seen in York and Darlington .
9 In fact the whizzy-wig , whenever you use it , you do n't have to actually draw a diagram , that map that we just saw with boxes and arrows and things , you could draw that on the spreadsheet with the whizzy-wig .
10 Their customary brilliance was still seen in bursts but schoolboy blunders were also in abundance and a lack of concentration in defence left goalkeeper Ally Maxwell exposed far too often .
11 What was once seen as foliage and parts of branches is now seen as a human face .
12 I try to look in the windows of the house but they 're either covered with those plastic roll-down external shutters you usually see in France or closed off inside by Venetian blinds .
13 It is clearly seen in water and grass in the milking cows and in the cows that give us meat .
14 It confirms some of the things that can be clearly seen in paintings and drawings made before reading this .
15 At many Siva temples and Cobra shrines , women are often seen in prayer or receiving the blessings of the attending priest .
16 As such , they often see through life and social skills training and develop common-sense critiques of the curriculum .
17 My talk , if you so wish to interpret it , is a reaction to the somewhat sterile presentation of the language which I so often see in textbooks and curriculum documents .
18 Within it there is evidence of a N.W.-S.E. component in subsidiary basins , well seen at Larne and in the offshore North Channel Basin .
19 Goods were increasingly seen as commodities or articles of trade to which the individual rather than the community had right of ownership .
20 It is frequently seen in tumours and may play a key part in the kinetics of tumour growth .
21 The Hebrew name indicates " peace " or " well-being " , and these sacrifices are sometimes seen as communion or fellowship rites .
22 Certainly , it surpassed in bulk and cost anything yet seen in Romania and was on a scale approaching Imelda Marcos 's spendthrift acquisitions .
23 It appears to favour grouping on city pavements outside office blocks and is most commonly seen around mid-morning or between 12 noon and 2pm .
24 The oak trees had not yet lost the vivid yellow-green of their late springtime , a colour so bright , so fresh and so unparalleled elsewhere in nature or in art that no one has ever been able to emulate it and it is never seen in paint or cloth or women 's dresses .
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