Example sentences of "[adv] see as a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Did he ever come not merely to see as a possibility but actually to possess a conviction of what can be called the benign indifference of the universe ?
2 And surely Isaiah Berlin was better seen as a liberal of the old school , a classic Millian , while Karl Popper arguably opened the way , via Lakatos , to Thomas Kuhn ?
3 For these reasons , Coffin is perhaps better seen as a case in which the Divisional Court , contrary to the evidence , concluded that the situation was such that a breach of the peace was likely , and that the officers were seeking to prevent that at the time when the assault took place .
4 While the above advantages are undeniable , and would all have a positive bearing on the regulation of insider dealing , self-regulation is better seen as a complement to , rather than as a replacement of , formal regulatory measures .
5 Indeed , Darwin 's proposal is much better seen as a theory about the origin of adaptations than as a theory about the origin of species .
6 Statutory inquiries may be better seen as a form of mediation or consultation .
7 The Review always stood outside that lay literary world , or at least emphasized its academic distinction from it , and is in fact better seen as an enterprise typical of a new phase of academic English described by Gross in the following extract :
8 The position is naturally seen as a step towards full equity sharing partnership .
9 On December 18th Hoare resigned , to be replaced by Anthony Eden , widely seen as a champion of the League .
10 The vote was widely seen as a referendum on the LDP 's controversial UN Peace Co-operation Bill , which was withdrawn three days later .
11 This took place amid rumours of a split within the NEC over support for a common age of consent , and was widely seen as a response to tabloid hysteria on such matters .
12 On Jan. 9 , however , only days after it had begun , the Brazilian Justice Minister , Gen. Saulo Ramos , announced that the operation had ended , a decision widely seen as a concession to mining interests .
13 However , the move was widely seen as a concession to the President , Gen. Gnassingbe Eyadema .
14 Although the PNP campaigned on local issues , the elections were widely seen as a test of the party 's popularity following the devaluation and austerity measures introduced in February [ see below ] .
15 The vote was widely seen as a test of voters ' attitude to greater integration into western Europe .
16 Yesterday 's ballot was widely seen as a test of strength for Mr Meciar , whose hand-picked candidate last month outpolled his opposition rival but failed to garner the required three fifths majority in the 150-seat house in two rounds of voting last month .
17 The reforms were widely seen as a reaction to public controversy over insider trading practices sparked by the emergence in January 1989 of the Pechiney affair [ see pp. 36403 ; 36706 ] .
18 The memorandum was widely seen as a victory for the Chinese side in the negotiations , with the UK effectively agreeing to Chinese demands that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
19 Akayev was widely seen as a democrat and as eager to develop contacts with capitalist countries .
20 Widely seen as a sop to Bush 's conservative Republican critics , the directive was publicly disavowed on Nov. 21 by presidential press secretary Marlin Fitzwater who avowed that Bush had not seen it before it was sent out .
21 The meeting was widely seen as an opportunity for both sides to stress the importance of the US-Japanese partnership , which had been under strain following the Gulf war .
22 This has been widely seen as an area where employment can be created and economic vitality encouraged .
23 The move followed the failure of " Operation Footloose " , an Army offensive launched in January 1990 , and was widely seen as an acceptance by the government that the escalating conflict could not be resolved by military means .
24 Both these stories were widely seen as an attempt to ‘ shoe-in ’ Gordon Brown rather than Smith in the event of a leadership vacancy , although Brown , it must be said , had no part in them .
25 In fact , the action was widely seen as an attempt by George Bush 's close pal , President Turgut Ozal , to prove himself more militantly anti-Kurd than his chief rival , Suleyman Demirel , in the run-up to the October 20th general election .
26 The move was also widely seen as an attempt to create an independent political organization with which Aquino could — notwithstanding her previous pledges to the contrary — contest the 1992 presidential election .
27 Subsequently , Matiba 's wife and daughter were attacked on June 14 at their home in what was widely seen as an attempt to intimidate
28 The reshuffle was widely seen as an attempt to deflect allegations of corruption .
29 In what was widely seen as an attempt to give its efforts to improve relations with other countries greater domestic and international credibility , the Albanian government hosted a visit to Tirana by the Secretary-General of the United Nations , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , on May 11-13 , when held talks with Alia and other senior officials and also visited other parts of the country .
30 The decision was widely seen as an attempt to support the Sri Lankan government in its war against Tamil guerrillas , and was announced as Foreign Minister Shukla completed a three-day visit to Sri Lanka .
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