Example sentences of "[adv] see as [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Each national economy is not only seen as part of that world economic ( and social ) system , it is treated as subordinate to its global forces .
2 When , a few weeks later , Labour overturned a large Tory majority in a by-election at East Fulham , this was widely seen as evidence of the popularity of pacifism — despite the fact that Labour 's candidate , John Wilmot , had been more concerned to appeal to Liberal supporters of the League than to whatever sentiment may have existed in Fulham in favour of war resistance .
3 This provoked a public outcry [ see p. 37913 ] and was widely seen as evidence of his autocratic style of government , already reflected in his combining the presidency with the chairmanship of the ruling Peronist party [ see p. 37651 ] .
4 Widely seen as part of the Thatcher government 's policy of ‘ privatization ’ , the 1982 Act effectively allows specific private auditors to be imposed upon local government .
5 The moves were widely seen as part of an attempt to end the 15-year civil war by meeting conditions demanded by the opposition UNITA rebels .
6 The move was widely seen as part of the Socialist Party 's strategy for the regional elections in March to counter the growing popularity of far-right views .
7 Thus even in a situation where Creole is permitted , none may in fact be spoken — or if it is , it may be limited to ritualised tokens such as the tags man , guy and star , which , though they lie within the boundaries of the folk concept " Patois " are best seen as part of the language of black-influenced youth culture .
8 Seventeenth-century Russia , poor , remote , deeply xenophobic , was not generally seen as part of the European political system at all .
9 The invention and development of the material means of cultural production is a remarkable chapter of human history , yet it is usually underplayed , by comparison with the invention and development of what are more easily seen as forms of material production , in food , tools , shelter and utilities .
10 The Visigothic settlement in Aquitaine is usually seen as proof of the success of the Roman general Constantius , in blockading Wallia and his people when they were in Spain .
11 This makes little difference to the behaviour of the companies so far as the production of policies and their conduct of business are concerned , but it does impose further constraints on the marketing of what are now clearly seen as forms of saving .
12 Those who practise these branches of study often mistake them for spheres of knowledge when they are more accurately seen as examples of dialectic or rhetoric — ideas which may be better aired in talk .
13 Obedience is now seen as part of our responsibility to God himself .
14 Obviously larger employers might be considered part of the upper class , but the others are often seen as part of the ‘ old ’ middle class .
15 This group is often seen as part of what is termed the ‘ triple alliance ’ between TNCs , the local bourgeoisie , and the state bureaucracy .
16 In the years after the war , with the drive for ever-increasing agricultural productivity , country house parks were often seen as areas of ‘ conspicuous waste ’ , which could be better put to more intensive cultivation .
17 Their Old Age , from fifty to 62 , we now see as part of Middle Age .
18 Stations were invariably seen as places of danger for women .
19 During the 1970s , the government began a long programme under which medieval mosques would be restored and some of the glory of Iraq 's Islamic past reasserted , with Baghdad , Basra and Mosul again seen as centres of Arab culture .
20 It is this sort of criminal behaviour which is commonly seen as characteristic of ( if not central to ) mass , urban society .
21 I began to understand him a little The rubber clothing , for example , I never saw as part of his own sexual fantasy world , but as part of the fascination he had with all secret worlds .
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