Example sentences of "[adv] go [adv] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most of them would not go on , but three were brave enough to go down into the valley .
2 Perhaps Jeremy Bates , who with his partner , Neil Broad , were ranked sufficiently highly to go straight into the main draw for the doubles , might have considered the position of his partner a little more sympathetically .
3 Come to that , it had better go straight into the soiled linen .
4 He supposed he 'd better go back into the ballroom .
5 A Rumbelows spokesman said the £10,000 jackpot would not necessarily go straight into the champion 's bank balance .
6 Just to go out into the night can give a sense of this ; night is not empty darkness — the night can be warm , or stormy , still or windy , and the darkness is charged by this and has a changing life of its own .
7 Sure , they are soon going off into the night , their lights flickering and fading , but it will be with dignity .
8 The great change that has occurred is that retailers no longer go out into the market place and buy what is offered to them by manufacturers .
9 Erm , when you start One Two Three , if you get er , the menu at the top saying One Two Three , think about and translate or you just go straight into the spreadsheet , you do get the One Two Three
10 Generally , when things fall apart and get desperate I just go out into the garden , anchor myself to the earth .
11 The Socialist government of the 1980s spent too much money and collected too little , thereby going spectacularly into the red .
12 It was rather like going down into a horrid , dark , earthy hole , where dull crimson firs burned and where grinning creatures might be peering at you from the shadows .
13 I think I must have been gradually going off into a faint when I suddenly thought of mother reading the telegram saying that I had been killed in action .
14 I 'm always going off into a trance .
15 Investigations are also going on into the state holding company , Corfo , the housing ministry and a state-owned bank where new officials have uncovered high-handed property transfers and loans made either to the army as an institution or to individual officers .
16 As this was my first experience of squadron life , I quickly fell into its easy way , I was rather surprised to find I was already selected to play rugger for the squadron the following Sunday , and also went straight into the squadron tennis team .
17 We also went down into the valley , into , we were on the edge of the Rift Valley , and there there were a different sort of people .
18 The tape measure had now to go down into the hollow as well as across the circle , and it was not long enough to do this .
19 A further £7,500 ( approx ) will be added as a result of sales of this issue : just over 10p of the cover price now goes directly into the fund .
20 Now going back into the Hebrew scriptures , you 'll find there that this sort of staying awake counsel , an idea was there long before the days of Jesus and the Apostles and people 's lives were involved in its state , even in those days , let's just let us have a look at one , Isaiah forty two eighteen to twenty now this terms it slightly different , but when you look at it and analyze it , you realize he 's talking about exactly the same thing , it 's regarding the nation of Israel who turned away from Jehovah , they were n't doing what they should be doing , or should 've been doing as he 's pleading with them look there , that look here , here you deaf ones , well we know the nation of Israel were n't all physically deaf , they were like we are , perhaps had a few deaf individuals amongst them , but
21 Ironing often went on into the evening .
22 The trio of actors became close off set , though with Fonda a committed monogamist , Hopper and Nicholson often went off into the night ; on one occasion they shared a memorable experience with LSD , so memorable , in fact , that both men have chosen , separately , to recall it in detail , as best they could .
23 Do n't you … no , I rarely go down into the town at the weekends .
24 So at one extreme you 've got the explorer who simply goes off into the unknown .
25 WE simply went out into the street and got the answers from the people who matter — Neighbours fans .
26 I could float around the ward , and even went outside into the snow .
27 And was the water there to go down into the villages ?
28 The various exercises encourage the students to use their prior knowledge in attacking the text , getting the gist , and then going deeper into the meaning .
29 She 's having fun then going out into a home next , that 'll be his fault
30 You may not feel that this is always necessary with designs that can be knitted automatically , since they will appear on screen in colour , but it is a great memory jogger and , rather then going back into the programme to look at a design , the colours and design may be seen from the printout .
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