Example sentences of "[adv] go [adv] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then she swiftly went out of the house .
2 She was just going out of the door .
3 It 's pretty hard to think about that when you 've just gone out of a Grand Slam event as early as that .
4 The Cobblers finally went out of the competition at Fulham .
5 And can the virtue that thus went out of the spiritual reality called England ever be restored ?
6 I had the dubious pleasure , after Second Reading , of trying to pilot the House of Lords reform Bill through the House many years ago , when we found that the divisions were on both sides of the House and any idea that one could timetable or guillotine soon went out of the window .
7 Ill just go out of the house without a word , and stay at my club for a few days .
8 Oh , a at nineteen forty eight they split up the electric supply and the three was nationalized and erm it , it just went out of the control of the local councils , it was government controlled then and there was a distinct possibility that the transport section would be sold off to private enterprise and the only private enterprise that was capable of taking over then was the Eastern Counties but erm I think the , the erm local council having had the transport under their wing for so many years , fought off that erm feeling and erm they kept with it and er , of course all the accountancy went to the Borough Treasurer and the certain members of clerks from the Borough Treasurers , which was at in those days , er seconded on to transport accounts .
9 He guessed his mother was making it all up just to frighten him and to stop him ever going out of the house alone .
10 ‘ And now that 's done , ’ said the blind man , and he quickly went out of the inn .
11 It was as easy as anything , and for a long time I , I felt well at least I can get in that way and then I thought oh maybe I should , you know doing , doing anything about it , but now I always go out of the other door
12 Nobody hardly went out of the village ; and it was up to people to make their own enjoyment .
13 She hardly ever went out of the house or garden , and did not discuss her feelings with anyone , even Liddy .
14 Any hope that the new Ministry of Fuel and Power could rationally ‘ coordinate ’ a national policy on energy inevitably went out of the window with this absence of an acceptable common vocabulary with which to discuss the issues .
15 They did eventually go out of the house but he was about done and then he comes in five to seven .
16 There was only a handful of mourners at Gillamoor Church , as Uncle George had rarely gone out of the little dale .
17 I had almost consciously to go out of the house in the morning with a smile fixed on my face , keep it on and breathe an air of absolute confidence when I was feeling anything but that way inclined .
18 If you go out of your f well go out of the gate here and turn right
19 So please if you feel the need that you need to speak to somebody , please go out of the Conference .
20 She now flapped her hand as if shooing something away , then went out of the kitchen and onto the landing , and here , as she had before , she stopped , but only long enough to raise her eyes to the whitewashed ceiling as her mind said , Dear God , do n't let anything come of this .
21 ‘ In some cases it does , ’ said Mervyn and then went out of the room .
22 She left the cloakroom and went to her office , took the report from the night sister and then went out of the office towards the nursing station .
23 Now that Bernard left industrial action to others , the heart had quite gone out of the staff 's work-to-rule and normal relations were resumed .
24 For he just pushed his plate aside , wiped his mouth on the back of his hand , and getting up from the table once again went out of the house without saying a word .
25 He never goes out of the forest . ’
26 You know , the one where you sit there and lie through your teeth about spending every waking hour flossing and probing and massaging and never go out of an evening without your single-headed brush , and the Aussie hygienist who looks like Brooke Shields on a good day takes one prod at your gum and it spouts blood like Moby Dick on a bad day and the game 's up there and then .
27 The final round of the championship was the Australian Grand Prix at Adelaide and Prost won the race from Nelson Piquet ( Bra ) after the championship leader , Nigel Mansell ( GB ) , spectacularly went out of the race on lap 63 .
28 That young girl hardly out of her teens , married to an ailing elderly man , probably never went out of the house apart from these visits to the hospital .
29 She never went out of the house , but one day Charlotte brought some heather from the moors for her to look at .
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