Example sentences of "[adv] go [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We used to send fresh fish by rail but now most goes into the new freezing factories .
2 If that question is applied to the hard track arid gets a positive answer then it is no longer enough to go for the easy choice .
3 Though the hall was almost empty they were n't forward enough to go into the very front seats so they entered the seats three rows back , claiming two extra chairs with folded coats .
4 It decided that the relatives ' case against the Government was good enough to go before the European Court of Human Rights , and the commission will launch its own inquiries .
5 Later when he wanted to release him he had only to go through the same motion but this time having his hand covered with a substance that would neutralize the smell .
6 These days everyone seems to be hopping on and off jets if only to go to the Spanish holiday resorts , but I have never left these shores .
7 Mayson was denied his hat-trick by good ‘ keeping and twice Smyth was through , only to go for the unselfish option when perhaps a shot would have been better .
8 And with even more riches going to the big clubs , then it follows that even less goes to the smaller clubs .
9 ‘ We 're only going to the old registry office , ’ she says .
10 Now what you were doing was , you got the top figure of available beds and you this time , I 'm only going for the this paper that is shown to me a an an an and produced some place in in your apartments and it says here , partly vacancies weekend in the first of August .
11 Yorkshire Television is apparently going into the new franchise with not a woman in its top rank .
12 A sort of cat and mouse game followed , especially going up the long hill , but we eventually settled on a dead heat .
13 But if you only went on the square foot it do n't matter how big it was well that 's like , surely that 'd be fairer ?
14 Mind yer , we only went in the cheapest seats .
15 The world has an image of this country as democratic , the Switzerland of Central America , and when the tourists come , they only go to the beautiful parts , but they do n't go to other parts like Batan , Limón , Los Chiles , the peasant [ communities ] in the southern zone , where people live in difficult situations .
16 K. R. Whenever they had a raid on the Chinese gambling , they took them all in the cells and they all sent out for Chinese meals , and when they 'd all gone to the Main Bridewell in the middle of the night — ‘ 125 , scrub out ! ’ — and I had to take my tunic off and scrub out after the Chinese had been .
17 We have all gone through the same system ( which seems not to have harmed us ) , and it is difficult to accept that current students should be taught differently .
18 And some teams had better go to the old barn .
19 Raising myself on one hand to peer over the ditch before clambering out onto the road , my hand and forearm suddenly went through the soft earth up to the elbow .
20 He 's long gone to the great Hadassah fund-raising dinner-dance in the sky .
21 I knew my former comrades would be long gone from the latest of the encampments before the malais ever got near them .
22 This will only go to the small segment mailed in October .
23 But there is little doubt in my mind that the future will only go to the large company if that large company is really able to release the energies and the synergies that ought to be a part of the grand design and make more than the sum of the parts .
24 You can only go in the future direction in time , but you can go at a bit of an angle to it .
25 Boys seem to make an effort only if they are going into a situation where they know they might meet someone they fancy , whereas lots of girls I know will put on make-up just to go to the local shop !
26 They learn a lot more at my talks , even though I 'm just going over the very basics of the subject .
27 I feel it 's taxpayers money being wasted yet again , because they 're just going over the same ground .
28 about the Olympic champion , he 'll be in Rome , he 'll be ready for the World Championships , I think he 's had an easy summer so far , but we 've got the likes of Sergio Lopez who 's just taken my European record away , there 's two Americans ; Kirl Stattel and Mike Barryman who 've just gone under the old World Record , so there 's perhaps a dozen of us that are really shouting and trying to get up to number one position .
29 He has just gone into the first-class departure lounge for flight 205 to Miami , Florida . ’
30 Forget , who had just gone through the last of countless body punches from Noah , ( who throughout , worked just as hard to encourage his players as they did to respond to him ) literally ran from his seat , round the net to the far baseline in readiness to serve .
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