Example sentences of "[adv] than [v-ing] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Much better than booming out in an intimidating voice , " We ca n't hear you ! "
2 I was 33 by then and played till the end of the season , which was at least better than going out on an injury . ’
3 ‘ You know , Frank , ’ she said , ‘ I 'm going to take a great delight in telling her , much more so than facing up to the big boy himself , because she it is who has paved the way for all this . ’
4 Mortgages hit family incomes more directly and forcibly than paying more for the Volkswagen or Sony video recorder which would be among the potentially inflationary effects of devaluation .
5 Ideally , such techniques should assist our own instincts and innate strength , rather than taking over from them .
6 It listed such positive attributes as free ports , open tendering , the issue of stocks , and contracting and leasing systems , explaining that these were part of the class-neutral " commodity economy " , rather than belonging solely to capitalism .
7 Generally , it seems the response of social services has been at individual crisis level , rather than reaching out to travellers .
8 There 's also a flavour of The Jim Hendrix Experience about the way the Colourcode rock in classic power trio fashion , although drummer Winston A Watson keeps things simple rather than splashing around in a jazz frenzy .
9 There 's also a flavour of The Jim Hendrix Experience about the way the Colourcode rock in classic power trio fashion , although drummer Winston A Watson keeps things simple rather than splashing around in a jazz frenzy .
10 Differences in opinion can be accentuated by this process so that the parents start to argue with each other rather than dealing jointly with the child .
11 The nature of time in the British Civil Service as changed , cut up into small blocks covered by forward-looking three year corporate plans , rather than looking backwards to a living corporate tradition .
12 With a natural , sculptural quality , it can outshine any number or works of art or ornaments and , what 's more , at a fraction of the price if you buy and nurture a smaller plant rather than shelling out on a large , expensive specimen a nursery has grown on for you .
13 First , the effect is pathway-specific ; that is , it occurs only in the cells to which the conditioning train is delivered , rather than spreading across to others — it is thus the result of the functioning of a network of specific connections rather than a wave of diffuse activity ; because there are several distinct input pathways to separate areas even within a single hippocampal slice , this specificity can be elegantly demonstrated .
14 If , therefore , the rate of interest falls on financial assets , then people , rather than shifting away from financial assets toward money , will buy more physical goods instead .
15 After what we 'd been through , it was an absolute pleasure , and many passengers refused to rejoin the plane , preferring new careers mopping up oceans of urine , and scraping generations of dried shit from the walls and little holes in the ground , rather than facing up to any more sticky orange and hostess abuse .
16 Intellectualisation : The family members usually have clearer heads than the primary sufferers and use them for even more determined discussion of " facts " rather than facing up to and discussing the emotional pain of their own position .
17 Stults pointed out that trained rescuers who are on their own often delay calling an emergency service and may use neighbours and other bystanders rather than dialling immediately for an ambulance ( the main source of a defibrillator ) .
18 These people have met new friends , gained in confidence and , most of all , self respect and would rather be doing some form of work rather than wasting away at home .
19 Hence , although this project will document both what employers do now on training and plan to do over the medium-term future , the inquiry has an intent which is ‘ educative ’ rather than aiming merely for either purely ‘ descriptive ’ or ‘ prescriptive ’ results .
20 Hints from Michael Portillo , the Treasury chief secretary , of a no-holds-barred review of welfare spending left Tory MPs wondering about the wisdom of ‘ thinking aloud ’ — provoking , frightening , then denying — rather than ruminating silently before striking .
21 If there was a brake , this would not happen and the person would have to stop and start all the time rather than moving smoothly around the supermarket .
22 Rather than moving back to a more conventional approach based on genuine consultation , it had opted for a system giving it greater control .
23 Today that interior decoration forms part of the museum itself , rather than acting merely as a backdrop to the works of art on display .
24 This is yet another reason why we must get to the heart of the problem by controlling consumption , rather than searching hopefully for grand solutions .
25 This is yet another reason why we must get to the heart of the problem by controlling consumption , rather than searching hopefully for grand solutions .
26 artwork on a film , changing it as required , rather than scratching away on a piece of copper clad board !
27 Small personal computers used in conjunction with page printing systems such as laser printers offer the businessman a chance to do all his production in-house rather than contracting out for typesetting , design and so on .
28 Instead of quitting the music business she should have learned to use it for singing rather than mouthing off at every opportunity .
29 It is more sensible , just as Thatcher said in Dublin at the end of April , to start by explaining clearly what European political union does not mean rather than waffling puffily about what it does .
30 But this will have to involve levelling up to the more advantaged rather than levelling down to the lesser , although future benefits can be reduced so long as diminution is applied equally to both sexes .
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