Example sentences of "[adv] when it [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A crack the size of the Grand Canyon streaked up the drive , stopping only when it reached the garage doors .
2 In-service training is desirable only when it fulfils a felt need .
3 That 's brilliant but that 's only when it makes an E sound .
4 He said that the government would consider developing community radio only when it knows the outcome of the 1984 conference .
5 Only when it needs a custom development platform should an organisation opt for the really new stuff .
6 Because of the nature of scientific work , much of the earlier " practical " work has to be carefully structured and supervised , especially when it involves the possibility of dangerous accident .
7 It was not only the student movement that suffered in this way ; the black movement in the US , especially when it took a revolutionary form in the Black Panther Party , was violently suppressed , and in Latin America democratic and radical movements were destroyed , and military dictatorships were installed , often with American help , as in Chile .
8 It never surprises me when black folks respond to the critique of essentialism , especially when it denies the validity of identity politics , by saying ‘ Yeah , it 's easy to give up identity when you got one ’ .
9 If two or more crewmen are slain then the remaining crew will be unable to cope , so when it shoots the cannon must miss a whole turn before it can shoot again .
10 So when it seemed the conversation was nearly over and , for the first time since he had known her , she appeared to have called for no reason , he was almost relieved to hear her ask , ‘ Now then , David , have you heard from him ? ’
11 This is called benevolence , more especially so when it takes the broad form of a wish for the happiness of others in general .
12 It manifests an explicit intent to do so when it places a privative clause in a statute empowering a tribunal .
13 Even when , as we show later , Brazil had an opportunity to do so when it invited the multinationals to establish its automobile industry , it chose not to exercise its power for fear of discouraging potential entrants .
14 Thus when it replaces an item at S ( subject ) and that item is written in a later place in the clause , an apposed clause is created .
15 Retail Week the other day gave a flavour of the debate elsewhere when it published an editorial declaring that it was ‘ Time for honesty on Sunday trading ’ .
16 an alloy is best when it combines the best of it 's component metals .
17 But just when it seemed the writing was about to be put back up on the wall , Kendall found an unlikely saviour .
18 The Scottish Trades Union Congress general secretary , Campbell Christie , appealed to parents of new Timex recruits to persuade their families not to cross picket lines with the warning that they would be sacked quickly when it suited the company .
19 LIFESPAN will always fill in the other field with the correct information later when it retrieves the details for that item .
20 Casein was nearly foolproof in application , of excellent strength both wet and dry , but rotted catastrophically when it got the chance .
21 But it did not , at any rate for the peasantry , which on the whole refused to turn itself into a flourishing class of commercial farmers even when it had the chance to do so .
22 This would require that , in certain cases , a merger should be allowed even when it gives a combined share of more than 25 per cent of the European market .
23 Plastic is bright and colourful but vulnerable , even when it has a glass fibre frame .
24 The Methodists first established a chapel for worship in 1828 , in a small building later converted into the Oddfellows Hall , and so named until a couple of years ago when it became a private residence .
25 RISC watcher Andrew Allison remembered FRISC as a merchant chip attempt and says he laughed at Micron months ago when it announced the subsidiary because it did n't have the resources or market presence to pull off a new proprietary architecture .
26 There is a limit to the exercise of power , particularly when it takes the form of affliction and distress .
27 The Lord 's Prayer is quoted in the repeated fragment ‘ For Thine is the Kingdom ’ but the earlier uses of the word kingdom , particularly when it has a capital ‘ K ’ , must already have prompted questions about allusion to this fundamental Christian rite , and about how it relates to those ‘ prayers to broken stone ’ .
28 Finally , it is not entirely true that the wave is the independent variable and the beach the dependent one , because the form of the wave , at least when it nears the coast , is to some extent dictated by the form of the beach and the immediate offshore bottom .
29 Most of the grass had already been worn away by cheering trampling spectators but it was still pleasant to sit there when it caught the sun .
30 When ever BBCBASIC(Z80) comes across a FOR , REPEAT , GOSUB , FN or PROC statement , it need to remember where it is in the program so that it can loop back or return there when it encounters a line with NEXT , UNTIL or RETURN statement or when it reaches the end of a function or procedure .
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