Example sentences of "[adv] take over the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I only took over the financial reins three weeks before the end of the financial year !
2 Since the birth of their sons , Felix ( now aged four ) and Max ( one ) , the Roberts were lucky enough to take over the raised ground floor which not only gave them more space but also allowed them vital access to the garden .
3 It also integrated the supply of electricity into the national grid curtailing and , in 1987 , finally taking over the only independent Palestinian energy supplier , the Jerusalem Electricity Company .
4 I 'll know it 'll be he who 'll end up cassandring me , precisely in nomansland where the male gods will ever take over the pythian oracles , turning them into twittering spokespersons .
5 She joined the Boat Race squad last January and quickly took over the Blue boat .
6 WEU also took over the social and cultural responsibilities outlined in the Brussels Treaty , but since most of the original military functions had become redundant with the creation of NATO , it was decided that WEU could perform best by being directly incorporated within the broader defence alliance .
7 Nafissa Lalliam was replaced as Health Minister by Mohammed Salah Mentouri , who also took over the Social Affairs portfolio but another woman , Anissa Benameur entered the Cabinet as Minister for Vocational Training and Employment , replacing Mohammed Bonmahrat .
8 The great drive for respectability , which was led by the trade papers and various film industry organizations , really took over the whole publicity campaign and again became almost a defining characteristic of British and especially American cinema .
9 Some have bemoaned the fast food outlet that has now taken over the odd corner of the Piazza , but this is the site of the ancient Milanese fiera ( fair ) — the name itself means Square of the Merchants — and doubtless on fair days the Piazza was not the ocean of calm many claim it must have been .
10 The decision not to simply take over the entire MoMA show was made partly on the grounds that the Pompidou has already mounted a major Matisse retrospective ( in 1971 ) , and partly through a desire to study in depth a period of the artist 's life now viewed as fundamental for the development of twentieth-century painting .
11 Marx fancied that he could simply take over the Hegelian analysis and , in Engels ' famous phrase , ‘ stand Hegel the right way up ’ with no reference to the fact that Hegel 's whole analysis is rooted in an effort to resolve quite specific problems which he inherited in the theory of knowledge .
12 They even took over the small police station in the El Calvario district , the nearest to the main market , and executed a number of the constables who had taken part in the massacre .
13 Source C describes how they bravely took over the dangerous jobs in munitions factories , and how they joined or worked alongside the armed services , either joining women 's armed services , or working as nurses out on the battlefront .
14 This proved true above all at the time of which I write , or up to that time , because adolescence is as much a mental as a biological experience , and the arts meant much at that epoch , the last before the advent of Pop Culture , which has since taken over the adolescent mind rendering present that ‘ future ’ which Eliot dreaded .
15 He would then take over the European Components ' planning activity when everything was centralised in Detroit .
16 The poverty-stricken could then take over the deserted metropolises .
17 Each locomotive then took over the other train of wagons making a slow descent hitched to the back of the train using considerable braking power .
18 The cast and crew were situated in the picturesque summer tourist trap of St Ives where they virtually took over the comfortable olde-worlde Tregenna Castle Hotel , while Peckinpah rented a small cottage for himself on the moor .
19 Soldiers again briefly took over the national radio station on Dec. 15 to broadcast their demands .
20 The Department of Education and Science therefore took over the enlarged responsibilities of the Ministry created by Butler in 1944 , and Quintin Hogg ( who had divested himself of his peerage in the hope of succeeding Macmillan as Prime Minister ) became the first Secretary of State .
21 Alexander Vass , the shipping magnate who had recently taken over the local firm of G.W. Fashions after a bitter struggle with his rivals , she had expected to be a man well into middle age , in spite of the fact that she knew him to be single .
22 Although tree holes are the most common nesting place , stock doves have been found nesting in rabbit holes and they occasionally take over the abandoned nests of wood-pigeons .
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