Example sentences of "[adv] take [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 Send in the form at any time during the year , but it only takes effect at the beginning of the next tax year , in April .
2 The difficulty was that any additional building — of squash-courts , swimming pool , or even classrooms — could by now only take place at the expense of valuable playing-field space .
3 ( Visits seem only to take place at the stage of formulating proposals . )
4 Delivery of the final members of the class was still taking place at the end of the decade , but the early members had by then settled into their routine of West Coast InterCity push-pull passenger duties with similarlooking new driving van trailers at the opposite end , plus freights from the North to the East Coast ports via the newly electrified North London link .
5 THE revels that once took place at the New Year turned everything base over apex .
6 Class Administration — activities that usually take place at the start of a lesson — settling pupils , giving general instructions , giving out material .
7 Medau will be organising the day for the London region , which will probably take place at the Laban Centre on a Sunday in February/March ; all regional training days must be complete by 31st March 1992 .
8 And and it is also perhaps distracted er attention from the interesting disagreements also taking place at the Labour party conference this week between the one more pushes , if I might describe them and the hard liners who believe you 've got to be radical .
9 Under a residual value system , prevention typically takes place at the tertiary level : work with children and families in imminent danger of separation , often through court proceedings .
10 The Senate then took offence at the picture of the grain merchants .
11 A meeting then took place at the border on Nov. 8 between German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and the then Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki , first on the German side at Frankfurt an der Oder and then across the river at Slubice ( part of pre-1945 Frankfurt ) .
12 A similar sequence of events bad taken place at the castle of Mauvezin in Bigorre and a charge that the lieutenant had far exceeded the limits of his jurisdiction was made .
13 The Portuguese officials said they would hear the appeal on 18 October and confirmed the appeal only involved the fine and not the ban , which actually took effect at the Spanish Grand Prix last Sunday .
14 If , when you attended the major retrospective of your works which recently took place at the Tate Gallery , someone had asked you : Marcel Duchamp , what have you done with your life ?
15 The IMF has therefore taken fright at the thought that with the economy still in recession , the Government 's tax revenues are at best static , while spending on unemployment benefit and income supplements are rising in line with the unemployment figures , and the deficit on the Chancellor 's own admission is set to reach £37 billion this financial year and £44 billion next .
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