Example sentences of "[adv] their [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It has recently been suggested that King overstated the numbers of the really poor because he used too large a multiplier for family size , and that perhaps their proportion of the population was nearer to a seventh in most years .
2 It 's wrong the Blacks ca n't do as they please in South Africa , it 's as much their country as the Whites .
3 But in August , as the selectors were putting together their plans for the winter , I started saying to Gatt : ‘ Why the bloody hell has he got that end , I want it . ’
4 ( 9 ) In Stage 2 , schools are assisted in putting together their orders by the organisation of book displays at the county library and visits to library suppliers ' showrooms in London .
5 Obviously their contact in the family tipped them off ! ’
6 Obviously their chance at the draw bag is now four to one instead of one hundred to one , and even allowing for the fact that they will undoubtedly be called lucky so and so 's for drawing well all the time , with odds of four to one it is not so surprising .
7 Furthermore their activities at the rarefied levels of Petrograd and Moscow often had very little impact , either at the time or subsequently , on the masses and on provincial life .
8 The king took from the Persians only their attack on the constitution of 1812 ; the project for a Cortes was ‘ lost ’ in the unsympathetic deliberations of the Council of Castile .
9 Any assessment of the impact of labour unions requires us to consider not only their influence on the wages and conditions of their members but also how this affects non-members in the same firm and labour in general .
10 The political weakness of the liberals reflected not only their fear of the threat from below but also the profound divisions within the middle classes .
11 If it had been implemented they would have lost not only their control over the peasantry but also virtually all authority in provincial affairs .
12 In the case of the mid-seventeenth century we find groups of current historians who share social and frequently explicit political assumptions identifying themselves with right and left , and often implicitly acknowledging that their own political agendas dictate not only their naming of the past but their unhappiness with opposing critical orientations .
13 Even so their contribution to the mechanisms whereby the new images were translated from theory to practice needs to be recognized .
14 So their performances in the short term will reflect that .
15 So their switch to the Greens indicated something more positive in their choice than mere protest .
16 The ability of the loyalist terrorists to track down the location is an illustration of how much better their intelligence on the IRA has become .
17 We hope that MP 's will express forcibly their concern for the impact these changes would have on their constituents , and that they will persuade the Lord chancellor to think again . ’
18 It does not necessarily indicate the physical absence of Poles , but rather their invisibility to the Germans — even to those who lived there .
19 This was manifested in a number of ways , particularly in that pupils still in their second year in the mixed ability classes would be talking about playing with their friends and generally their attitudes towards the teenage culture of pop music and magazines and fashions and discotheques did n't seem to develop so quickly as it had in the streamed situation , and I think really this comes from the problem of those pupils in the streamed situation — in the bottom streams in particular — who found that they wanted alternatives to school when they were in an inferior position in the school .
20 This was manifested in a number of ways , particularly in that pupils still in their second year in the mixed ability classes would be talking about playing with their friends , and generally their attitudes towards the teenage culture of pop music and magazines and fashions and discotheques did n't seem to develop so quickly as it had in the streamed situation .
21 This was manifested in a number of ways , particularly in that pupils still in their second year in the mixed ability classes would be talking about playing with their friends , and generally their attitudes towards the teenage culture of pop music and magazines and fashions and discotheques did n't seem to develop so quickly as it had in the streamed situation .
22 However , the vast majority are still in the dark when it comes to understanding the importance of protecting not just their children from the sun 's harmful rays but also themselves .
23 US jungle troops used to spend a week eating local food before starting active combat , to ensure their body odour — partly derived from Western foods — did not give away their location to the enemy .
24 After the revolution , those authors who were not simply names to fill space on the badly produced jacket were usually sufficiently embarrassed to try to explain away their participation in the cult of Ceauşescu and thereby in lengthening his rule .
25 Wealthy families would while away their days at the baths being massaged with aromatic oils by the unfortunate eunuch slave whose sole function in life was to knead and pummel his master .
26 They are not expecting special dispensation and that is why so many of the Lourdes pilgrimages are undertaken by genuine pilgrims who may not be able to throw away their crutches at the end but will find new strength from their visit .
27 ( ii ) To encourage subject departments to inspire pupils with an interest in their subject to use the Library/Resource Centre to further their knowledge of the subject and to enable them to use the skills of the subject , in particular by finding its concepts meaningful for the whole of life .
28 In so far as Japan was concerned , it was apparent that all profits made from their ‘ British ’ made products went back to Japan to boost their economy and to further their influence into the European markets .
29 ‘ Five or six of the younger lads will be fixed up in Australia , New Zealand or South Africa to further their education in the fame , and we usually reckon to have two or three players on international tours .
30 The ‘ connection ’ between the strike in the private sector and the strike in the public sector was obvious , as was the honest and reasonable belief of the union that that extension would further their dispute with the BSC .
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