Example sentences of "[adv] i 've [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 But morally I 've grown up downwards .
2 fucking er it was like that but they ai n't just do n't go and get very close to the like that So I 've gone up under arch of the wheel got my like that right state I got in !
3 You know I 've had it happen the lights have changed just as I 've been crossing them so I 've gone over and three cars immediately behind me have followed me .
4 and I bought her but when I came out the loo he is playing with the bus going wheeee , he was having a great time with that , I looked at him and I said got to give that to Charlotte , no , no , I do n't like it I want the house , meaning the garage , so I 've gone out now and bought her a circus
5 So I 've gone out there with the spare keys , got the keys out tossed them in me pocket , gone back indoors
6 So I 've cut down .
7 Fucking shit , so I 've got up fucking like this all the way round and I 've do , I 've gone round
8 so I 've got out , I , I said to him you thinking what I 'm thinking , he said yeah shall we do it , most out of order it is a bit cold , middle of , middle of December like
9 I felt like saying , I 've got a bloody big pile of rubbish here that I have to go over so I 've put in for overtime .
10 So I 've picked up on one .
11 Now we 've covered the basic techniques of sailing , the best way of putting them into practice is by sailing round the triangular course and so I 've laid out these three marks .
12 The thing is , if they always give you and you , your , nine times out of ten what they do is like , is either , they either put a can over there or a beer or something , they put it over the end of the , the weapon pull the trigger and that , even with a flash that can go like that , and then they show you one with the , the erm flashes right which have more powerful than the and they 've actually got same again same charge as a life grenade in , but it just plain cardboard so , obviously no trap , but if you lay on them ooh er , you get or something you do n't throw what they do now is they put one they light one , put the helmet over the top of it and make it lit , it runs like buggery and it 'll go a hundred , a hundred and fifty foot up in the air and inside it looks like its been and where its been in the thing it 'll be like er , six seventy foot off the ground , I mean I laid on one once and I , landed about two foot too my left so I 've rolled over , rolled , rolled , and rolled , as I 've rolled I 've rolled over on my back and I 've had all loads of over , like the , I had a roll there its like the er
13 By 8.45am I 've picked out his feet and brushed him off , mucked out , prepared hay , water and evening feed and left them ready .
14 But inevitably they 've been sort of thrown in a corner and people have fiddled around with them like I 've fiddled around with this and we find we got what , twenty or thirty of these missing .
15 Do you know , it sounds awful yeah but Mr er Mr and erm and Mrs seem really , like I 've come in late so many times , yeah ?
16 Though I 've found out now .
17 I would n't like to tell you how often I 've thought back on it .
18 So far I 've come out on top , but one day the damn thing will expire just to spite me . ’
19 You bullied me into becoming your girlfriend , so I had little choice but to obey , but now I 've grown up .
20 Now I 've given up all hope ( of returning to Formula One ) . ’
21 These are the ones I am particularly anxious about at the moment , erm , now I 've put down four different headings on this particular way that I think we could help , erm , and hopefully , if there 's two hundred perhaps you 'd tell me whether there 's two hundred thousand is aimed at perhaps some of it , in , in this direction or not , I do n't know ?
22 Look at me — I have a thriving shop in Westmead and now I 've opened up here in Seabourne .
23 ‘ Yes , now I 've come back . ’
24 Now I 've found out how hopeless I am on my own … ’
25 Now I 've found out that he is n't my father I 'm learning to be free for the first time in my life , do you understand ? ’
26 Mr is very different we must all be protected , I 've worked out my bill as the same as this year because no way shall I spend seventeen and a half percent more money I shall be as careful as I can and I sha n't starve and I sha n't get cold now I 've worked out that the V A T on my fuel bill is eight hundred and eighty five pounds , I 'd delighted if Mr could perform the trick and I need n't pay it , on behalf of the Duke of Westminster , the Duke of Rutland , I think I can also thank him .
27 Well , I played around a bit in my time but now I 've settled down I can be quite prudish , ’ Sue confesses .
28 He says to me he says to me he 's , I 've been two or three time while he been int garden he says every time you come in here you lock your car , he says why you 're only int garden , I says well I 've lived round here for a lot of years , ha , I says and when you 've lived here long enough I says you 'll be locking your car every time you get it out .
29 I said I , even I 've got up and got children up and off to school .
30 Since then I 've settled down to 8st 4 .
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