Example sentences of "[adv] have been [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Evidence from official statistics suggests that the number of households containing two or more elementary families has indeed fallen : from 3 per cent of households in 1961 to 1 per cent in 1981 ( Social Trends , 1987 , p. 41 , table 2.1 ) Clearly this is , and apparently has been for some time , very much a minority arrangement within the British population as a whole .
2 yeah , erm yeah it was different erm with it only being role play it was a bit erm difficult to keep up with it sometimes and actually keep it going like , erm if it was the real life situation outside right you 'd know that the person you were talking to had more had been through that situation before
3 But yeah , I mean , there was so so many inconsistencies on , on the Irish witness side , you know , like what , what matey said I was , I was running out and all of a sudden I felt a pain from here on those fuck it , he 's up there , got big forearms , and big sort of muscle that size , that 's really wasted this side even after twenty years , it must of about and apparently one matey got shot in the back running away , oh no five out of the thirteen got shot in the back , which again does n't fucking mean any thing , you know that 's , but I said if there 's I R A supporters there and that , you telling me you seen where your comrades have fucking get shot , you 're not , you 're not gon na try and pick up his weapon and stuff I mean like , it was just a perfect opportunity to , to get one over on the British Forces and I , I said I do n't think yet the para 's were entirely blameless , but then again I do n't think they ever have been in any of their fucking
4 ( If mortality rates for the age group 20–24 could have been calculated , the nadir would probably have been in that age class ) .
5 The other , John Beaumont , may also have been to some extent Gloucester 's man since he and his putative father Sir Henry Bodrugan went on to become supporters of Richard III in the region .
6 The other , John Beaumont , may also have been to some extent Gloucester 's man since he and his putative father Sir Henry Bodrugan went on to become supporters of Richard III in the region .
7 A good response to training was associated with improved squeeze duration in our patients , but increased conidence in mastering anorectal function may also have been of some benefit .
8 He may also have been behind certain elements of the design .
9 His interest in humanity now was stone dead , and probably had been for some time .
10 These little shrubs are also known as ‘ hedgehog ’ hollies , and probably have been for all of the 300 years they have been grown in gardens .
11 It is true that as human beings we may be able to empathize with social work clients who are short of money or bereaved as we probably have been in these situations ourselves .
12 As many parents have discovered , the problem with disposable nappies up to now has been with that word ‘ disposable ’ .
13 As for our own species , the oldest evidence , going back to possibly about 35,000 BC , reveals that the dead were not only equipped with weapons , tools , and ornaments but also with food , which must often have been in short supply among the living .
14 It could n't really have been like that .
15 After electricity privatization , however , the government is allowing power companies to select which stations should be fitted with FGD ; the majority thus far have been in eastern England .
16 Hitherto , our provision here has been at best haphazard , and at worst deplorable .
17 It may well have been with mixed feelings that Hamilton gave up Painshill and its burdens after some thirty-five years .
18 It may well have been at this moment , in the autumn of 1419 , that Henry V decided that the crown of France , which none of his predecessors had achieved , might be his .
19 And we might , might well have been on that train that had the crash .
20 Australia may as well have been on another planet to post war Britain .
21 Jamie and the girl were inches away from me , holding me by an arm each , being bumped into frequently , but my drunkenness had now got to such a state — as the last two quickly consumed pints and an accompanying whisky caught up with my racing bloodstream — that I might as well have been on another planet for all the hope I had of making them understand what I wanted .
22 It may well have been in that picture that the new type was created .
23 There are no screen credits at the beginnings of dreams to tell you what sort of film you are going to see , but there might as well have been in these nightmares , because the tenor , horror or guilt is excruciatingly present before the first scenes have even been played .
24 Yet the earliest known usage of ‘ South Saxons ’ does not appear until a royal charter of 689 names them and their king , Northelm , although the term may well have been in common use for some time before that .
25 It may be that demands were made beyond the capability of a particular individual , or the person concerned may simply have been to some degree in ill health .
26 It was an insignificant point in its way , for Harry knew from Marjorie Mallender that Clare had met Minter whilst at Oxford — he must simply have been at another college — yet somehow his faith in his own reasoning was undermined .
27 This was already clear by 1926 , and could even have been in 1922 , if only the central authorities had kept a closer watch on the pulse of rural life .
28 At this stage also it will almost certainly become apparent that a better job could have been done in the research if only more attention had been given to certain factors which had not been thought beforehand to have been of much importance .
29 There 's no doubt that the street-wisdom of the English forwards has been of huge value to them .
30 Aquitaine , still English , had not attracted much attention from either side since 1413 , the military emphasis since then having been on northern France .
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