Example sentences of "[adv] have have [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It obviously has had the opposite effect …
2 In all cases , however , Standard English has been present for long enough to have had a substantial impact on the language practices of the communities in question .
3 She only had to have the usual amount of arms and legs and to be able to see where she was going .
4 That 's all you have , that 's only have to have a little bit .
5 Over the years , quarrying generally has had a bad record for pay and conditions , and Penrhyn has a particularly infamous past .
6 So how about you you 've you 've just had have a quick glance at that .
7 If this had happened the rogue could not have conferred title upon the innocent purchaser ( unless under some other exception to the nemo dat principle ) for the rogue would no longer have had a voidable title .
8 Instead , structured gestural sequences , or syntagmata as MacNeill calls them , might already have had a rudimentary grammar before they were overlaid by speech .
9 Actually , I might just have had a little to do with his death , as it occurred less than a year after the Stoves lost their only child , Esmerelda .
10 ‘ Well , we 'll just have to have a male crone for today , ’ replied Miss Thorne in a dangerously quiet voice .
11 Part of it was my upbringing , of course , but I could easily have had a violent reaction away from that if it had n't been for the inhibiting atmosphere in the company itself .
12 If you were asked which club it was , you just had to have a good reason for choosing it .
13 ‘ I think you just have to have a flexible mind , ’ said Masklin , knowing even as he said the words that this probably was n't going to be a lot of help .
14 You just have to have an official order
15 Course Moira always has had a vivid imagination , you have to take what she says with a pinch of salt .
16 She 'd always had to have an imaginary life simultaneously , as the real one was inadequate .
17 She could n't imagine he could ever have had a single moment of nervous insecurity in his whole charmed life .
18 And , if he had moved any farther down the course , would he still have had a clear view of Captain Brown waving his flag to signal a false start ?
19 We would still have had an extremist council — not Labour , but Labour and Liberal combined .
20 The brick and stone-built cone is sixty feet high , and was saved from demolition in 1962 by excavations which showed its importance as an industrial monument , this area of Yorkshire once having had a thriving glass industry .
21 You do not always have to have a specific link to other items on the syllabus .
22 We have spoken about old partners as if they will always have had a long life together and that is indeed the case in many of the pairs whom we currently encounter .
23 In such circumstances what the doctors can not do is to conclude that if the patient still had had the necessary capacity in the changed situation he would have reversed his decision .
24 James Sandoe , a fine American critic of crime fiction , once said of the typical private-eye that , although there was no specific reason for it , somehow he always had to have a shabby office with " shabby restaurant nearby serving leaden eggs and greasy bacon " .
25 I once had to have the gnomic response of one respected editor of a major journal interpreted for me by a senior colleague .
26 The Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh also has had a long involvement with the cultivation and development of plants with medicinal properties and we have our own Scottish traditions of herbal cures for a long list of ailments .
27 Home-grown : Edinburgh 's Royal Botanic Garden also has had a long involvement with the development of plants with medicinal properties
28 if given at the trial , the evidence would probably have had an important influence on the result of the case ; and
29 By re-amended notice of appeal dated 30 August 1991 the defendants sought an order to set aside or vary the judge 's order or to order a retrial and sought leave to adduce fresh evidence on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the judge had erred in law in failing to take into account ( a ) the lack of a penal notice on the order which it was claimed that the appellants had breached ; and ( b ) the plaintiff 's delay of 18 months in applying for the committal order ; ( 2 ) that the judge 's decision was arrived at without regard to fresh evidence which the defendants had obtained since the hearing , part of which related to matters subsequent to the hearing and the remainder of which could not have been obtained with reasonable diligence ; which , if given , would probably have had an important influence on the result , which was credible and which should , therefore , be admitted ; ( 3 ) that , alternatively , the court should exercise its discretion to admit the fresh evidence as the liberty of the defendants was at risk ; and ( 4 ) that the sentence imposed was excessive .
30 The Prince , of course , had to go and say hello , and disappeared once again , emerging ten minutes later having had a long discussion with the chief brass player .
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