Example sentences of "[adv] to [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His enthusiasm communicated itself to the voters who responded eagerly to his promise of a " New Deal " , and he polled 22 million votes to Hoover 's 15 million , carrying 42 out of 48 states .
2 That road leads inexorably to her work for the sick , the dying and the distressed .
3 The quality of even our grandest scenery owes much to its intimacy of scale .
4 Birmingham 's popularity with meeting planners owes much to its ease of accesses from all parts of the UK and Europe .
5 Pauline Daniels ' ability to keep the audience absorbed , entertained and moved owes much to her background as stand-up comedienne and her rapport with her home city .
6 When Granny ( or Grandpa ) comes to live with the family in old age , it will be to everyone 's advantage to encourage the close bond between them and the children , since it always contributes much to their enjoyment of life , and consequently to the happiness of the whole household .
7 Much to their credit in launching a spirited assault on the Neath lead , Bridgend did attempt to spread the ball wide .
8 Arnold Leese 's anti-semitism owed much to his hatred of Jewish methods of slaugh-tering animals and the cruelty that he believed resulted .
9 MINTON 'S success as a commercial artist owed much to his association with John Lehmann , to whom he had been introduced by Vaughan .
10 The romantic-lyrical ballad style of twentieth-century Tin Pan Alley clings stubbornly to its role in the representation of gender relations within the norms set by the stereotype of the bourgeois couple , despite attempts made from time to time to move it into new patterns with new meanings .
11 So , technically , I made a mistake in passing inside to my left to Candler .
12 CAM developments therefore give greater credence to the ideas behind activity-based costing , though not necessarily to its application in complex routine costing systems providing regular monthly reports on an activity basis .
13 Their work returned afresh to the problem of social waste in education , and especially to its manifestation in the selective and divided system of secondary education .
14 ‘ Yale has made a profound contribution to my life and especially to my interest in the arts and letters ’ , he explains .
15 The air waybill was designed as an acknowledgment of receipt of goods from the consignor , and as a notice of shipment to the carrier ( and especially to his agent at the destination ) , a notice which would also enable the identification of the consignee .
16 But his adaptability did not apply to his tenets , merely to his instinct for self-preservation .
17 When Meredith had been a child , her father always read A Christmas Carol aloud to his family on Christmas Eve .
18 Her bare flesh came close enough to his face for him to inhale its pungent female odour and he peered around desperately into the gloom for some sign of his French companion .
19 I think the problem was he could n't get close enough to his father at an important time in his life ; he was frightened of the Colonel , and I do n't blame him .
20 The survey added greatly to our knowledge of the glacial deposits , which were laid down close to the southern limit of ice advance during the Anglian Stage .
21 Although a number of publications and theses have added greatly to our knowledge of the issue , none has provided a comprehensive study of the adoption of tariffs .
22 Even before that , I had been recording some of the memories of the older generation of Bishop 's Castle residents , realising how many of them really did ‘ well remember ’ the early part of this century ; much of this material has been used in the ‘ RECALL ’ project at Stone House , whose members have contributed greatly to my understanding of that period .
23 So to our surprise of this cohort of patients who would have had a T U R , only about a third had obstruction .
24 Every living cell has a naturally occurring vibration which relates not only to its level of energy , its mass and its form but to the nature of the medium in which it vibrates — its environment .
25 The bank provided finance for our client to exchange contracts , this the deposit , and then subsequently the attempt to obtain full security over their proposed lendings by including security over a property at Frinton on Sea which had been left in part only to our client upon his father 's death .
26 When Bede came to write further of him , he referred only to his subjection of the Picts ( HE 111 , 24 ) .
27 There would be a debate on Europe , a topic which tended to divide the Party , and it was rumoured that Norman Tebbitt , known to his friends as ‘ The Earl of Essex ’ — a reference not only to his place of origin , but to his courtier-like qualities — would be speaking .
28 Not yet halfway to our appointment with the Paradise Bird , each island was already proving to be a kingdom unto itself , and the power of our permits was clearly waning the further we travelled .
29 The walls and the floors of her newly redecorated palace -rather garish many thought — are bare , The carpets and the pictures have been created and flown to one of her other homes — perhaps to Juan-les-Pins , perhaps top one of her two places in Paris , perhaps to the house of her fabulously rich businessman son on London , or perhaps to his island in the Seychelles , Her other son , a naval officer who will later pass , briefly and tragically , through this story , dined in his mothers palace one night in October 1978 and , pointing to the one picture remaining on the wall , said , " There 's one they forgot to take .
30 I boarded an elevator and shot up alone to their office on the 32nd floor .
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