Example sentences of "[adv] have [noun] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although Britain had long had trading connections with these areas , hitherto she had had no territorial ambitions there .
2 ‘ In a year which has seen more investment than ever in drama on S4C , it is wonderful not only to have audience acclaim in Wales but critical acclaim of professional peers in the RTS. ’ he said .
3 Those in Islay range from a very simple wall , which at one time perhaps had wood stakes on it , built to enclose a headland and had a narrow entrance at the steepest part , to a substantial hill fort like Borraichill Mhor which encloses a considerable area .
4 Those in Islay range from a very simple wall , which at one time perhaps had wood stakes on it , built to enclose a headland and had a narrow entrance at the steepest part , to a substantial hill fort like Borraichill Mhor which encloses a considerable area .
5 Not only had £250,000 worth of equipment fallen off the back of a submarine , but the torpedo firing system and the periscope were out of commission as well !
6 We only had enamel plates at home and never had food like this .
7 Well not now because you only have Christmas trees at Christmas do n't you .
8 So have Texas Instruments in America and Siemens in Europe .
9 The Burlington , Massachusetts company already has OEM agreements on the things from ICL Plc , Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG , NCR Corp , Sequent Computer Systems Inc , Intergraph Corp and Unisys Corp , and now Sun Microsystems Inc has joined the party .
10 Indeed , talk to any manager and he or she already has common-sense theories of motivation , often built up over long periods of observing people at work .
11 She took the lift up to the sixth floor and came to the room one O nine , which was her room , as she entered she noticed cobwebs and dampness on the walls , she flung her bed , bags on the bed and went downstairs to supper , after her supper she went to report , she went to the reception desk to report the cobwebs and dampness , she rang the bell a few times but no one answered , she was just about to go back to her room when she heard Mr Sandy the receptionist in the back room talking to her assistant , I put the body in Miss Hall 's wardrobe , Jane ran upstairs and sure enough there was a body , Jane rang the police then straight away , please could you come to the Riverside Hotel , there 's something I think you should see , there was a knock at the door and Mr Sandy answered it , hello , oh hello we 've just had phone call from here , are you sure this is the right hotel ?
12 ‘ It may interest you to know that I 've just had Mr Standish on the phone .
13 And the decision means Tranmere 's second string will finally have quality opposition after years of languishing in the Midlands Senior League .
14 In nearby Offenham they are worried they 'll lose thousands of pounds producing crops because they 'll no longer have specialist advice on their doorstep .
15 Many English teachers already have newspaper projects in which pupils produce articles and stories on paper .
16 " But I already have Maria Candida as my servant .
17 If true , it should follow that antral cancer would be more common and would occur at an early age in those parts of the world where the majority of the population already have serum antibodies to the organism before adult life .
18 These already have property assets worth some DM15 billion ( $10 billion ) , and are still adding to them .
19 But the new lift sector in the UK still has £400m worth of work a year up for grabs , from the smallest nursing home service lift to multi-storey hotel contracts .
20 If you want to eat a salmon at its best , try to find one that has been netted at the river mouth or offshore early in the spring , that has been out of the water for no more than twelve hours and still has sea lice on it .
21 The corollary is that British influence in Tonga is still immense ; but Germany still has relict links from before 1899 , and this dampish little Dusseldorfer was a case in point .
22 If you are sitting in a very large house on your own , which is draining away your resources because it still has mortgage payments to be met and it takes a lot of money to heat and light every year , you must seriously consider cashing in on your assets by moving to a smaller house that eliminates your mortgage and cuts down on running costs , or by taking out an annuity on your house .
23 If Mephistco really is determined to punish me for defying the Review Board , they have far more efficient methods at their disposal than sending some freelance vagabond who still has boneyard dust behind her ears to do their dirty work .
24 The module manager always has access privileges to the module , and in addition , he is ultimately responsible for its modification as part of a Design Change ( DC ) , its storage off-line and eventual deletion .
25 The film you see is somebody else 's choice , and it usually has George Segal in it .
26 From ribbon roses and tapestries to a triptych , Rosemary has always had craft projects of one sort or another on the go but her interest in the world in miniature was re-kindled when her brother , mindful of the dolls-house she had lost years earlier , bought her a one-twelfth reproduction Georgian eight-roomed ‘ des .
27 do they still have Easter eggs in here ? ,
28 If there is , we 'll still have Volkov back in Russia . ’
29 " Oh , Louise , do you still have lobster sandwiches at Harris 's ? "
30 Because you 'll still have Miss Jennifer on your hands , right ?
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