Example sentences of "[adv] in [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That it was all undignified , that it was really rather unpleasant , that it was somehow dehumanizing for Harold — these considerations went by the board as he finally rolled on top of her , grunting fiercely in a tone no one at Magdalen would have recognized .
2 Suddenly in the dream the great tree began to fall , and we were all running in terror to escape its fall .
3 Apparently in the summer the captain of one of our nuclear submarines went crazy .
4 Below in the valley the yellow lights of Hafpor 's truck jiggled up and down with his frantic efforts to ease it through the snow .
5 ‘ I happened to be in the area and Lucasta Redburn 's not a common name , especially in a town the size of Plumford . ’
6 Sometimes Freud may have appeared not to adhere to this view of science in practice , especially in the way the psychoanalytic movement operated , in some periods , as though it were a new form of sectarian movement .
7 However , although that was all in the past the memory of it lingers on whenever a match between the two countries is mentioned .
8 This was , for example , undoubtedly the effect of the plebiscites staged in 1933 , 1934 , 1936 , and 1938 , in which the massive acclamation , though the product of intense propaganda and coercion and obviously in no sense a true reflection of the state of opinion , nevertheless reflected genuine widespread approval and admiration for Hitler 's accomplishments and persuaded waverers to fall in line .
9 Though there were clearly classical influences on Agatha Christie 's work — most obviously in the collection The Labours of Hercules — they are not within the province of this study , particularly since the subject has been expertly covered by other scholars .
10 So in a way the basic error underlying classical foundationalism is an error in the theory of meaning .
11 One can only understand how things are in terms of concepts in the first place , so in a sense the concepts came first since natural conditions only gain significance in terms of the way one had learned to see them .
12 So in a sense the reptile dominance is still with us , transmuted by time and evolution .
13 It 's thought , in fact , that they represent areas where ‘ midocean ’ ridges once formed below the continents , in the late stages of continental rifting , but before an ocean proper had opened ( cf. chapter one ) , so in a sense the kind of volcanic activity that is typical of oceanic areas in fact took place on dry land .
14 This causes an immediate reduction in anxiety so in a sense the person is rewarded for running away .
15 As in ‘ Marie Lloyd ’ the growth of the cinema was juxtaposed against the primitive Melanesian life , so in the play the interest of Peter Quilpe and Celia Coplestone in Hollywood contrasts with the reality of the primitive world for which , eventually , Celia abandons the Hollywood dream .
16 and er he would n't keep out , so , so in the end the caretaker got him a little chair
17 Cole had written ‘ … it is at least a half-truth that the measure of control he ( the worker ) will have will vary inversely to the total number of votes , so in the workshop the control of the individual will be real in most cases only if the workshop is small , unless , as in the coal mine , only the simplest and most uniform questions have , as a rule , to be decided ’ ( Cole , 1917 , p. 233 ) .
18 Say three o'clock in the afternoon a fortnight today .
19 She sat there and about four o'clock in the afternoon the sister came round , ‘ I 'm sorry , Mrs Nicholson , we have n't got any transport , you 'll have to stop another night . ’
20 Yeah I just swore at my father did well I said getting up at six o'clock in the morning every day and then go to work till six at night cos during the day I get tired so I use to lay down on his bunk then he 'd lift his little hat a way up and he 'd say er bloody fire 's out .
21 AT one o'clock in the morning a petrol bomb shattered the window in Kathy Sellers ' front room , shooting flames across the floor and up the curtains .
22 At ten o'clock in the morning a monster had ripped up the countryside , devastation littering its wake .
23 By contrast , even if we manage to get to sleep at about 10 o'clock in the morning the sleep is likely to be shorter and broken .
24 There was a standing arrangement : if no smoke was rising from the chimney of Low Birk Hatt by eleven o'clock in the morning the Fawcetts should come to investigate .
25 After a shamingly large second supper of chicken , sweetcorn and cake , a vast vodka and tonic and half a bottle of red wine , at one o'clock in the morning the chatter suddenly turned into the Frogsmore Stream running under Snow Cottage and she fell asleep until six to find the chatter going on as loud as ever .
26 At two o'clock in the morning the doctor gave him a sedative and he went into a deep sleep , but when he awoke he did not speak to anyone , and the police found great difficulty in questioning him too .
27 At about one o'clock in the morning the lightning came .
28 Well we never heard the name shop steward in those days I do n't think they went that far , there was somebody in charge sort of thing but erm they er got the na the name afterwards I think you know shop steward , but er and then they used to be Miss used to have the garden fetes the garden parties on her lawn , that was for the Liberal Party you see as soon Labour was mentioned there were only Tories and Liberals at that time and er we used to , when there was an election er we used to wait up for the results and then if the Liberals got in Squires ' big bell would be rung if it was twelve o'clock at night or one o'clock in the morning the Squires ' big bell would be rung you see , to say who 'd got in , if the Tories got in it was n't rung because it was a , Squires were Liberals , strong Liberals and er they used to attend the Liberal Club at Shortheath but erm there used to be some fun in those er what 's the name parade if the Liberals got in and dances you know to raise money for the various things , and the garden fetes used to be lovely but er on their lawn .
29 But a few years ago we were at a session in a pub one night erm playing music and er there was about twenty of us and about two o'clock in the morning the police raided it and we all had our names taken and we were all up in court and we were all fined I think three pound for being er drinking after hours and Tony was drinking a cup of coffee .
30 The crew said they had survived on the upturned hull , sleeping huddled together in a compartment the size of a double bed .
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