Example sentences of "[adv] in [adj] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 The disc that slipped had done so in such a way as to be digging into my spinal chord .
2 If the process of nursing is seen as a problem-solving activity in which the nurse acts on her own initiative generating her own solutions , rather than one in which she repeats ready-made solutions ; and if the reasoning of the cognition theorists is accepted as valid ; then the teaching of nursing should be organised in such a way that the student not only acquires the necessary knowledge and skills , but does so in such a way that they develop in her flexible cognitive structures .
3 Each writer sought to give an overall biblical interpretation of his subject , but to do so in such a way as to be of practical value to modern Christians who found themselves perplexed by controversy on the subject .
4 On the other hand , if the buyer asks for an article by its trade or brand name and does so in such a way as to exclude any discussion of its suitability , then he is not relying on the seller 's skill or judgment , Baldry v. Marshall ( 1924 C.A. ) .
5 To persevere with our mechanical analogy , if we picture the forming of a bond as equivalent to putting the jack in the box , we need to bring to the box a special tool with a ready-compressed spring , and couple them together in such a way that , as the spring in our tool is released , it compresses the spring of the jack and forces it into the box .
6 A team is a small group ( 6 to 8 people is a typical size ) who co-operate together in such a way that they accomplish more than the sum total of the individuals .
7 The problem is to achieve them together in such a way that the ‘ fusion product ’ , the multiple of all three quantities , exceeds a certain critical value .
8 The latest announcement in the field is for High Availability Cluster Multi-processing/6000 version 1.2 : software that aims to glue a pair of the machines together in such a way as to combine the benefits of fault-tolerance and symmetric multiprocessing .
9 However , it is difficult to see precisely how the feature detection and abstract letter detection levels could be linked together in such a way that a letter can be detected regardless of its case of presentation .
10 The manometric assembly consisted of three polyvinyl tubes bounded together in such a way that the 0.8 mm side hole was 5 cm apart from each other ( Arndorfer Medical Specialties , Milwaukee , USA ) .
11 Mont Blanc , for instance , consists of many different kinds of rock , all jumbled together in such a way that , if you sliced the mountain anywhere , the two portions would differ from each other in their internal constitution .
12 We have seen how when the tonic syllable is followed by a tail the tone is carried by the tonic plus tail together in such a way that in some cases practically no pitch movement is detectable on the tonic syllable itself .
13 Each registered nurse , midwife or health visitor is accountable for his or her practice , and in the exercise of professional accountability shall : act always in such a way as to promote and safeguard the well-being and interests of patients/clients .
14 At the Middle English stage , the description of divergence is still very salient ( partly because the states attested in writing are unquestionably divergent states ) , but we also begin to notice attempts to launder the data retrospectively in such a way as to focus on those features that lead to modern ‘ standard ’ English and to ignore , reject or explain away those features that deviate from it .
15 How can we bring that message home in such a way that more and more people can locate their own individual efforts within it ?
16 You know , exactly the same thing , but changing the language , changing the format , and changing the so forth in such a way that it would correspond to a woman 's magazine , or a local newspaper or a national newspaper or a , or a trade magazine and so forth .
17 The orbits could be further refined by adding epicycles to epicycles etc. in such a way that the resulting system was compatible with observations of planetary positions and capable of predicting future planetary positions .
18 The head , body and arms open out boldly in such a way that the performer is seen to be fully revealed to all as an honest , sincere person who has no need to dissemble .
19 It is found experimentally , and can be shown theoretically , that any complex with a degenerate ( e or t ) set of orbitals which is occupied unsymmetrically ( i.e. neither entirely filled nor half-filled ) distorts its ligand environment spontaneously in such a way as to remove the degeneracy [ see Section 6.6.5 ] .
20 You learn , first , to inhibit the habitual reaction to certain classes of stimuli , and , second , to direct yourself consciously in such a way as to affect certain muscular pulls , which processes bring about a new reaction to these stimuli .
21 The protons separate and each passes through an analyser which can determine its spin along one of three directions ( not necessarily mutually perpendicular ) which we label unc If the spin is " up " in the direction unc we label the result unc if it is " down " we label the result unc The measurements on the spin components of A and B are either made simultaneously or at least in such a way that no influence moving with the velocity of light can pass from one measurement to the other .
22 But you 've actually got you 've manoeuvred him there in such a way that he might be prepared to accept that .
23 For all the importance that de Gaulle attached to securing the support of the Resistance , he was determined to secure it on his terms , i.e. in such a way as to reinforce his leadership and legitimize his movement before world opinion .
24 If a dove meets a dove , neither will fight ; but we might suppose that they settle the contest amicably in such a way that each has an equal chance of winning .
25 Then allow the particles to move apart in such a way that the combined wave function does not change even though the distance between the particles may be so great that there is no longer any possibility of mutual interaction : in principle this could be many kilometres .
26 If we consider irregularly shaped areas on the sphere ( X and Y ) , rather than the regular segments , these can be seen to move apart in such a way that their motion can similarly be described with respect to the same pole of rotation at A. The effect is clearly illustrated in the alignment of transform faults which mark the off-sets along either side of divergent plate boundaries ( Fig. 2.15B ) .
27 Magnets have been used before for this purpose , but never in such a way that water has had to pass through several opposing magnetic fields .
28 The Second Fairy brings Grace and dances slightly faster in such a way that she shows off the lines of her body as it faces forwards and then backwards ( the traditional gesture ) .
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