Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , there could be no element of surprise , and although the rebel advance had been rapid until then , it had effectively been halted at the gates of Madrid .
2 Thus , as a case study in business history , the Stockton and Darlington Company provides important insights into the process of managerial decision-making in a period of economic history which has hitherto been under-researched at the level of the individual firm .
3 In Nucella , this has only been observed at the upper end of the scale .
4 Since March 1985 a full written decision has only been provided at the request of either party .
5 One large group of negatives had apparently been taken at a fancy dress party organised by the Duke of Devonshire — over 100 guests had been photographed , most of them with different background settings .
6 So this kind of erm interest in children and in whether a couple are able to have children or not is has obviously been lying at the back of his mind has n't he ?
7 Although the numbers will not apparently be limited at the briefings , a notional limit may be set on the number of climbers admitted to the range on any one occasion .
8 By the end of 1926 , the General Council was advancing the argument , with some justification , that the General Strike had only been an attempt to warn employers that the problems of industry could not constantly be tackled at the expense of the standard of living of the workers .
9 The efficiency of government could only be increased at the expense of its popularity ; the more corrupt and less efficient the government , the more acceptable it was to creole merchants and landowners .
10 In the pre-1973 definition case of BS Brown and Son Ltd v Craik Ltd [ 1970 ] 1 WLR 752 which was accepted as authority in Aswan Engineering ( 1987 ) , the House of Lords held that goods will be unmerchantable if they can only be resold at a substantially reduced price .
11 The various parties involved in the peace process had tended to ignore the issue , working on the assumption that it could only be tackled at an advanced stage of a settlement .
12 Although it may be beneficial to address this point at this stage rather than leave it to the flotation , the alternative argument is that such matters can only be decided at the time of flotation when the parties are better able to assess what is commercially necessary to achieve an optimum result .
13 Furthermore , Hoyle suggests that there is indeed a tension between the two approaches — that restricted professionality is unlikely in practice to be capable of extension or , put another way , that extended professionality can only be achieved at the cost of effective , restricted professionality at the classroom level .
14 A major new endowment for Gloucester could only be achieved at the expense of existing interests , and this was politically unacceptable .
15 A major new endowment for Gloucester could only be achieved at the expense of existing interests , and this was politically unacceptable .
16 If you have any queries about reception or frequency please ring our special radio Helpline on 0345 010313 during office hours — you 'll only be charged at the local rate .
17 When such adjustments are made , the Phillips curve apparently gives the policy-maker a choice between employment and stable prices ; more of one can only be gained at the expense of the other .
18 ‘ A national ambition that can only be realised at the European level . ’
19 ( 2 ) A requirement under this section to provide specimens of breath can only be made at a police station .
20 ( 3 ) A requirement under this section to provide a specimen of blood or urine can only be made at a police station or at a hospital ; and it can not be made at a police station unless — ( a ) the constable making the requirement has reasonable cause to believe that for medical reasons a specimen of breath can not be provided or should not be required , or ( b ) at the time the requirement is made a device or a reliable device of the type mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) ( a ) above is not available at the police station or it is then for any other reason not practicable to use such a device there , or ( c ) the suspected offence is one under section 4 of this Act and the constable making the requirement has been advised by a medical practitioner that the condition of the person required to provide the specimen might be due to some drug ; but may then be made notwithstanding that the person required to provide the specimen has already provided or been required to provide two specimens of breath .
21 Therefore they need only be made at a higher level of aggregation and should highlight potential peaks and troughs .
22 He writes : I was now convinced , after the stubborn to-and-fro contest for every foot of ground which had continued throughout the whole of April , that although we had more than once changed our methods of attack , a decisive success at Verdun could only be assured at the price of heavy sacrifices , out of all proportion to the desired gains .
23 Such actions could only be activated at the request of the immediate lord 's vassal and the notion of French royal sovereignty remained largely theoretical and judicial throughout this period .
24 National guarantees can not possibly take account of this variation , and standards can often only be met at a cost elsewhere .
25 If your special request can only be met at an additional cost , that cost will either be invoiced to you prior to the departure or should be paid for by you locally whilst abroad .
26 Mr Lenarduzzi 's sleep is also disturbed by the thought that the interests of the nation may only be served at the expense of local needs or , indeed , that purely academic considerations might distort the wider implications of a proper education .
27 Finally there may be a role for either haemodialysis or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis , and cadaveric renal transplantation must not be forgotten , although assessment for such treatment can only be undertaken at a few specialist centres .
28 some defect or deficiency in the site upon which the rebuilding or reinstatement is to take place [ would render the same impossible or would mean that the same could only be undertaken at a cost that would be unreasonable in all the circumstances ]
29 The community was something more than a collection of species working together for mutual advantage — it obeyed laws that could only be understood at a level transcending that of the individual organisms .
30 But this can only be done at the international airport and with the original exchange receipts .
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