Example sentences of "[adv] be [prep] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Concern has for too long been with problems of stylistic chronological placement and historical continuity between and among archaeologically defined units .
2 Since Mr Lawson has long been in favour of a stable exchange rate — and since industry has enthusiastically supported him , by expressing its enthusiasm for membership of the European Monetary System — it is ill-placed to argue against an increase in base rates at a time when sterling was threatening to fall below three marks , although the Confederation of British Industry has predictably grumbled that the rise was unnecessary .
3 I had long been in favour of CVRs but like many other people I was very dissatisfied with the quality , particularly the clarity of the only really useful part of the recording — that from the area microphone on the first channel .
4 I rarely speak or am active on guillotine motions and resulting business arrangements on timing , because in general I have long been in favour of timetabling all Bills from the start .
5 The grip of her revision is surprising , for it has long been in need of revision itself .
6 You basically are in favour of a minimum wage .
7 The remainder had all been in favour of killing her .
8 The majority of Wear Valley 's GPs do n't have anything like 7,000 patients due to Wear Valley being a rural community and so are in danger of becoming second class citizens .
9 Accustomed to the doctrine of ministerial responsibility , used to the idea that they are the repository of the collective wisdom and experience of their departments , accepting that they must handle outside agencies and pressure groups as well as the vagaries of the politicians and the press , they operate with caution but also with great confidence knowing that they alone are in possession of all the facts and that without their activity the whole machine would come to a halt .
10 Obviously , not all elderly parents who live alone are in need of a great deal of assistance : they just like to know that it would be available if they wanted it .
11 I would need to revise my knowledge of patient/client confidentiality so that I may not inadvertently be in breach of proper professional conduct .
12 Many children grow up to enjoy satisfactory lives who are clinically termed severely handicapped , yet they would apparently be at risk of being allowed to die due to the severity of their handicap .
13 Theoretically , Karla Fohrbeck could in her official capacity prevent any purchases she disapproved of , but such a veto would not only be in breach of artistic freedom but would also conflict with her idea of autonomy for the museums in her charge .
14 As in Miss Austen 's day it was universally accepted that a young unmarried man with a house and fortune was in need of a wife , so Mrs Girdlestone might have been beguiled into accepting a somewhat similar assumption that one elderly lady living alone is in need of an even more elderly lady to live with her ( prudently stipulating , however , the three months only , in case she should wish to draw back ) .
15 As they flew over the capital , returning the Archon to the Imperial Palace , the sight below was of units of soldiers fighting hand to hand battles with other military units .
16 Mr Millan personally was in favour of a large degree of devolution and said it helped European regional policy to work more effectively .
17 Faced with an apparent nonconformity the explanation has generally been in terms of cultural replacement rather than change .
18 This is partly because the effect of the state 's role in the economic sphere has largely been in support of continued private capital accumulation .
19 I just been in loads of workshops
20 The Western hemisphere would soon be in range of and vulnerable to Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles , carrying megaton warheads .
21 But the notion , once born , firmly took root , refusing to let her settle , and as she wandered aimlessly about the living-room she realised she 'd soon be in danger of going stir-crazy if she had to look at the same four walls much longer .
22 An exhaustion centre is what she will soon be in need of .
23 When drugs start to affect your mind , you will no longer be in control of all your actions .
24 Oh oh yes yes the union did erm get that er sorted out you know , and er and then when the buses began to run it made it easier for those worked in Willenhall and er and it just be about threepence of fourpence in our money go there then , but erm and then the hours were altered you see , eight o'clock and finish at six o'clock and er and then it used to be seven to seven you see .
25 ‘ Oh , I know she 's ill , David , please , I did n't mean that ; I know she would n't exactly be on top of the world .
26 On a particularly difficult issue she had a habit of canvassing everyone privately , except the person directly involved , so that when the matter was finally aired she would already be in command of all views .
27 For one skate , on loan , to go round the block ( a distance of perhaps 500 yards ) the cost was one penny ; for two skates , two pennies ; any kid who took longer than 10 minutes ( thus being under suspicion of going further ) would be fined another two pence — or punched on the nose .
28 She hated this feeling of helplessness , of no longer being in control of her own life .
29 It can happen that at the time of the sale the seller is not the owner ( and thus is in breach of the condition in section 12 ) but that he subsequently obtains that ownership , e. g. by buying the goods from their owner .
30 There have been concerns for some time that IBM Corp was fast running out of cash — the UK subsidiary was reportedly ordered to factor its receivables by its parent at the end of last year after it ran out of cash for its operations , hardly a cheap way of borrowing for a blue chip company , and the Reuter report that it and IBM Credit Corp are seeking $4,600m of revolving credit in the international syndicated loan market ( see page seven ) , seems to confirm it ; at least one source told the news wire that IBM is trying to keep the arrangement very quiet , presumably to avoid generating more alarm than there already is about progress of its business .
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