Example sentences of "[adv] the same way as " in BNC.

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1 This makes the transitions less well defined and subject to jitter in rather the same way as a multivibrator will jitter if the initial approach to transistor turn-on is not rapid .
2 In other words , the new company would start life structured in rather the same way as BP , with a Government shareholding but without the Government taking any part in the business .
3 In rather the same way as in some Basic Needs Strategies , a checklist of desirable attributes of a good strategy can be compiled ( Blaikie , Cameron & Seddon 1979 ) .
4 They seem to act on the host 's nervous system in rather the same way as an addictive drug .
5 Moreover , white holes , by acting as conduits to bring new material and spacetime into new regions of the Universe , would act in rather the same way as ‘ Little Bangs ’ , at least on the local level ( the ‘ locality ’ , of course , being extremely large ) .
6 It 's judged in somewhat the same way as a divorce settlement , the same sort of amount .
7 If in a sense it means how early can you teach children facts and contents and very straightforward knowledge , then I think the answer is not very early at all because it may be fairly meaningless that you could teach a child to repeat Newton 's law , perhaps the same way as you could teach him to repeat the eleven times table , but without a good concept of number or what Newton meant .
8 If in a sense it means how early can you teach children facts and contents and very straightforward knowledge , then I think the answer is not very early at all because it may be fairly meaningless that you could teach a child to repeat Newton 's law , perhaps the same way as you could teach him to repeat the eleven times table , but without a good concept of number or what Newton meant .
9 This is a major meditative speech brooding on the loneliness of the man caught between action and passivity — thinking aloud in much the same way as Hamlet does in his many renowned arias on the soul and the theme of revenge .
10 Parysatis , wife of Darius , killed Statira , wife of Artaxerxes , in much the same way as Mrs Iverson was murdered . ’
11 Chartered secretaries have had to develop during the 1980s in much the same way as their nearest counterparts , lawyers and accountants .
12 The Asiatic system consists of separate units ; local communities which hold land communally in much the same way as tribal communities or the constituent units of the classical and feudal systems were believed by Marx to do .
13 Concepts like labour organized life in much the same way as the notion of God had done in the Middle Ages , and it had as little material reference .
14 Paintings and prints were distributed to colonial officials for display in much the same way as British embassies are provided with an official photographic portrait of the Queen .
15 Thus , in much the same way as the Bundesbank chairman , Dr Karl Otto Poehl , has been at pains to preserve the monetary integrity of the new Europe , so the Cartel Office is disturbed about abrogating to Brussels responsibility for all mergers involving a turnover of less than $5billion .
16 Two hours later players rubbed bruises , swapped jokes and drank pints in the clubhouse in much the same way as anywhere else .
17 This provides an excellent contrast to the more usual turkey and chicken dishes to be found on cold buffet tables , in much the same way as pastrami enlivens a plate of cold sliced meats .
18 ‘ Our Dublin plant has consistently failed to produce the expected results , and it is this unfortunate experience which will weigh heavily against any further investment in Eire ; in much the same way as it has weighed heavily against the UK .
19 It felt heavy and lifeless , in much the same way as it had felt that day in Spain when he had gone off the road .
20 He slipped into the obscurity of retirement , after more than thirty years in the Corporation , in much the same way as he had operated during his entire working life : unobtrusively .
21 Though it was relatively unsuccessful it confirmed and strengthened the trade union connection with the Labour Party in much the same way as the Taff Vale judgement had acted as an annealing force between the trade unions and the Labour Representation Committee in 1901 .
22 Before the arrival of the Packman , filling sprayers at Overy Farm was done in much the same way as it is on thousands of farms across the country .
23 Owners and vets rarely like to consider the possibility of psychosomatic problems with horses , in much the same way as people do not like to admit to suffering from them themselves .
24 In the same way , we may hear the horse 's neigh that demands breakfast or dinner , and when dinner has n't arrived immediately the demand is raised higher and more imperiously , in much the same way as people do .
25 WHILE the rest of the country is still trying to grapple with the effects of the recession , Las Vegas , the desert oasis created by gambling , continues to boom and prosper in much the same way as it has always done .
26 This process seems to occur in much the same way as a plan position indicator in a radar system monitors the movement of targets recorded on the radar sets by reference to the stable map of the background locality .
27 The NVC is intended to provide a national standard for describing vegetation , in much the same way as a national Flora describes the species , and so it is clearly desirable to refer to the NVC in local Floras .
28 Plants are classified in much the same way as animals , but just to make things difficult the largest units of classification are not generally called phyla but ‘ divisions ’ .
29 It prevents us falling back upon the familiar ideas of a ‘ father in heaven ’ who is thought of in much the same way as Santa Claus or an uncle in Australia .
30 Some schools in fact survive because parents are operating under the mistaken assumption that the school is run and organised in very much the same way as the one that they attended as a child , even more so when it 's the same school .
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