Example sentences of "[adv] the same [noun pl] as " in BNC.

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1 With eights and nines off his card , he was making mostly the same numbers as everyone else , just in a different way and order .
2 In his view , it was a great strength of English law that governmental officials were subject to basically the same laws as private citizens to the extent that these covered the activities of government .
3 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the reasons why we are updating Trident are basically the same reasons as caused the Labour Government to update our nuclear deterrent by bringing in Chevaline , the difference being that we are doing it openly and they did it under wraps ?
4 ( In fact , the edition is based on much the same materials as will be used for the Rameau Opera omnia now in progress . )
5 It was engaging with much the same processes as those later explored by Goffman , Harré and those working from a symbolic interactionist position .
6 Yes , machines can process walnuts , along much the same lines as almonds , but they do so very poorly if what you arc after is whole halves .
7 The new provinces occupied pretty much the same areas as they do today .
8 But the sexual division of labour — whether it is the male , the female , or both parents who look after the young — is controlled by much the same forces as control other sexual differences and is therefore appropriately treated in this chapter .
9 And ethnicity turns into separatist nationalism for much the same reasons as colonial liberation movements establish their states within the frontiers of the preceding colonial empires .
10 We may have moved on from the steel nib and the blackboard , but are we not educating our children for much the same reasons as we were 50 years ago ?
11 Denmark joined the EEC for much the same reasons as the British did : she wished to ensure that she was not excluded from a large ‘ home ’ market , particularly for her agricultural products .
12 It was naturally tempting for a rather superstitious man to trust again to an intuitive judgment of his own made in much the same circumstances as in the previous year .
13 This provision can apply in much the same circumstances as section 24 , namely where someone who has sold goods to one person then later re-sells them to another .
14 Almost at the same time D. P. McKenzie of Cambridge and R. L. Parker of the Scripps Institution in America had come to much the same conclusions as Wilson and together these scientists were responsible for what they called the ‘ New Global Tectonics ’ .
15 ‘ We were playing much the same clubs as before in a very similar competition .
16 The select committee then went on to recommend very much the same principles as the Fulton Committee wanted to see adopted widely in the civil service .
17 He outlined his purpose to the pair of journalists in much the same words as he had used to the members of the nascent Rothschild CPRS on the lawn at No. 10 in 1971 :
18 Technically the Flydaway has much the same characteristics as a tram .
19 She was expressing much the same sentiments as Bob Boothby had expressed in his last letter to me , and which I have heard other old people express too .
20 In the abstract it may not be too difficult to acknowledge that the thinking , desiring and feeling which seem more intimately myself than my bodily motions are spontaneous , and also voluntarily controllable , in much the same proportions as the physical process of breathing , and that there has never been a moment of choice when I was not already being spontaneously pulled by them in the directions between which I chose .
21 And the sample should exhibit these characteristics and variations in much the same proportions as in the total population from which the sample has been drawn .
22 This sample must be " representative " ie exhibit characteristics and variations in attitude , behaviour , purchasing capability ( etc ) ( i ) relevant to the line of market research enquiry ; ( ii ) in much the same proportions as the total population from which the sample is drawn .
23 This solution was applied both to aircraft and to Motor Torpedo Boats , which had much the same troubles as wooden aircraft .
24 Ace was n't willing to trust Dubois further than she could throw him , since he seemed to use much the same methods as their enemies ; perhaps that meant he was no better than them .
25 Thus the operation of discretion by juvenile liaison officers is structured by much the same variables as with the section police : ‘ It all depends upon their attitude . ’
26 The most popular form of reading among the literate poor was , as Dr Vincent has pointed out , one which told much the same tales as did the oral tradition .
27 Besides , primaries used for the selection and ranking of persons proposed for inclusion in party lists would be open to much the same objections as were raised earlier in these pages against choice by the electorate at large among candidates who actually figure in those lists .
28 In Coles 's book , the poets are described in much the same terms as ‘ The Warkton Strong Man ’ , ‘ The Stentorian Voiced Crier , Of Northampton ’ , and ‘ The Astonishing Reaper , of Great Doddington ’ .
29 The secondary school curriculum was described in much the same terms as in the previous framework , but time allocations were not specified .
30 It has very much the same facilities as Delta Five , but is single-user rather than allowing several people to work on the same data , and also has a lower limit on the number of records , transaction files , and so on ; nothing that would really present a problem , unless you were trying to use the system for a fairly large system , in which case you should be using Delta Five .
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