Example sentences of "[adv] as it [vb -s] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 However , as Ketamine lacks the euphoric and social properties that led o the widespread use of MDMA , the drug is likely to disappear as suddenly as it seems to have emerged .
2 A spokesman said the seven Kurds released from Haslar detention centre , near Gosport , Hampshire , and all 18 from Gloucester Prison were given temporary admission ‘ for as long as it takes to assess their cases ’ .
3 With its inflation still rising , the country on the verge of a perilous wage-price spiral and public finances deeply in the red , the Bundesbank has made it clear that it will keep the German economy locked in a vice of high interest rates for as long as it takes to squeeze out inflation .
4 He said that was last Friday , oh I said I was filling my timesheet in and my expense sheet , not that long , I said well it takes as long as it takes do n't it ?
5 The heating is switched on only for as long as it takes to dry the washing .
6 There 's also a guy called Ron Tyson who collects every magazine article ever written about Hendrix … so long as it 's got Hendrix on the front cover .
7 I do n't care if it 's a rubbish route so long as it 's got an E-number .
8 This leads me to analyse political behaviour , especially as it relates to conflict .
9 The control room , although just workable , is very cramped ( especially as it has had to take on committee work ) .
10 They also object on the grounds that , while Sotheby 's disclaims any ownership interest in the treasure and was merely the agent for Lord Northampton , they are by no means convinced that this is the case , especially as it has come to light during the discovery process that the former chairman of Sotheby 's , the late Peter Wilson , played the leading role in the treasure 's acquisition and had a share in its value , inherited by his sons , Thomas and Philip .
11 Earthscan should be congratulated for its initiative , especially as it has managed to produce readable technical material .
12 The chariot itself may attack only as it charges causing D6 hits plus +1 per scythe if scythes are fitted on the model .
13 It can take just as much fortitude to go it alone as it does to keep up a public front .
14 Just as it favours conserving the existing definition of sexual intercourse for rape , the Committee seeks to retain the crime of buggery to deal exclusively with anal intercourse .
15 When the banner of religion is raised as a banner of politics , blood will flow , just as it has done in Belfast , Beirut and Colombo .
16 about all things , and as that anointing is real , not counterfeit , just as it has taught you , remain in him .
17 It has an appalling unemployment record , just as it has had since the war an appalling national health service waiting list record .
18 ‘ One of my regrets is leaving this project just as it has started to get off the ground , ’ said Det Insp Williams , who started out as a PC in the Cheshire Constabulary in 1963 .
19 Do they do it all at once , or in chronological order , or just as it seems to emerge ?
20 I usually follow fashion very slowly and creep in just as it starts to look dated , but then I think that 's the way I should do it .
21 The place appears exactly as it has done through the ages , the only signs of man 's intrusion being a ruined bothy , an insecure footbridge and the thin track worn by hardy walkers .
22 Yes , yeah , but again as soon as it happens let us know .
23 The basic pruning principle , therefore , should be to remove wood as soon as it has flowered in order to dived energy into the production of good strong stems to carry the next year 's bloom .
24 Wood is pruned from a rambler as soon as it has flowered , to divert growth into strong new stems for the next year 's bloom .
25 Add the sugar and as soon as it has dissolved , set the liquid aside to cool a little .
26 It is essential that a transmitter can be inactivated as soon as it has conveyed its message ; if it were not so , the system would be clogged or would receive needless repetitions of the same message .
27 Because as soon as it starts to die down you could probably go back on to Betnovate to keep it maintained .
28 However , as soon as it begins to accelerate smoothly , that movement is no longer necessary , and the control should be moved to get the glider balanced nicely on to the main wheel .
29 It looks nothing when it is in pieces but as soon as it 's done and together , it looks nice .
30 As soon as it 's finished I 'll ring Joseph and get one .
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