Example sentences of "[adv] as it [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Bike Sub-Committee was still being urged to proceed , yet a month later the subject was adjourned , only to be urged on again the month following — ‘ so long as it had a corrugated iron roof ’ , presumably a financial stringency to keep the cost down to £15 .
2 Any word could follow any other word , just so long as it matched the phonetic input description .
3 So long as it invested the money in buses , that was all right .
4 The court quashed the Minister 's decision on the ground that he should have considered the school 's application in the wider context and not only as it affected the particular school .
5 It will take a second Pearl Harbor for the Americans to realise how inefficient the NSA really is , just as it took the Falklands War of 1982 to reveal the deficiencies at GCHQ .
6 The obvious solution is to stop filling scarce space with bulky rubbish just as it left the bin : switch to recycling and incineration .
7 The brilliance of the recent verbal firework display he put on at Westminster enchanted his party — just as it alarmed the Labour Party that John Smith proved such an easy target for him .
8 Emerson Fittipaldi was the next Lotus world champion and , just as it seemed the midas touch was deserting Chapman , American Mario Andretti lifted the 1978 title in the Lotus 78/79 , with team-mate Ronnie Peterson ( Swe ) second .
9 just as it reached the top of the trunk , the bird flew away .
10 The Regis was so vast it absorbed the Writers Internationale just as it absorbed the British Congress of Funeral Directors .
11 Hungary lost much foreign creditor confidence as a consequence of the general deterioration in its economic performance just as it approached a period when it needed substantial foreign loans to service its debts , finance its convertible currency account deficit and replenish hard currency reserves .
12 Victor was known within Celtic language studies as the author of a seminal book whose title , The Decline of the Celtic Languages ( John Donald , Edinburgh , 1983 ) , disguised the richness of its scope , just as it disguised the alternative interests of the author .
13 In its latest quarterly review , the Bank said the economy was still bumping along the bottom — just as it reported a year ago .
14 This one act of his expelled him into the wilderness more forcibly than any other , just as it did the novelist George Gissing in England .
15 As soon as it entered the fallow he began an excited scream of view halloa , halloa ! and flapped his arms .
16 The car blew up as soon as it hit the wall . ’
17 TIMING was not on the side of Thames Television yesterday as it unveiled the £57million purchase of American TV production house Reeves .
18 She circumvented fat tourists in fancy dress , civic marshals in baggy overalls , then a personal camera drone , its head swivelling back and forth as it scanned the canal for its owner at home .
19 Our technique of solving the above equations has improved , and of course we are in a much better position now to evaluate the material constants , but fundamentally electromagnetic theory stands now as it stood a century ago .
20 But this was a ‘ bourgeois ’ phenomenon only in so far as it reflected the hegemony of bourgeois respectability .
21 Although the Labour Left may have considered this official conversion to Socialism somewhat belated , it was attracted to the Peace Alliance only in so far as it represented a continuation of previous Unity campaigns .
22 Nevertheless , in so far as it addressed the complex issue of home-school relationships in multi-ethnic contexts , it was an important initiative which deserves to be extended in some form .
23 Meanwhile , on 20 July , at the request of the applicant 's solicitors , Price had sworn an affidavit repudiating his Swedish evidence in so far as it implicated the applicant .
24 Price was then called to give evidence in person on behalf of the applicant , and he again repudiated his evidence before the Swedish court in so far as it implicated the applicant , on the ground that his evidence had been obtained by pressure exerted upon him by officers of the Swedish and Norwegian police .
25 However , as I have recorded , Price gave evidence before the magistrate in the course of which he retracted his Swedish evidence in so far as it implicated the applicant .
26 He however submitted that the magistrate was obliged to look at the whole of the evidence emanating from Price and that , since Price had retracted his Swedish evidence in so far as it implicated the applicant , that evidence must be regarded as worthless and wholly unreliable , and so incapable of forming the basis of a committal .
27 It was Mr. Newman 's submission that the matters to which regard should be had in the present case were ( 1 ) the lapse of time between the commission of the alleged offences and the request for extradition , and ( 2 ) the fact that the accusation against the applicant was contrary to the interests of justice , in that it would lead to the trial of the applicant in Sweden on the basis of the record of Price 's evidence , despite the fact that Price had subsequently retracted that evidence in this country in so far as it implicated the applicant .
28 He himself emphasized his concern to record the good and bad that was being done in his own day , especially in so far as it concerned the Church , and he noted among the principal actors , kings , catholics and heretics .
29 In so far as it justified the oracle , the story of Herodotus was first broadcast from Delphi .
30 Victorian Social Darwinism was still alive in the late 1950s and , in so far as it shaped the vocabulary of ‘ maintaining social standards ’ used by the supporters of immigration control … it contributed to a climate of opinion favouring immigration control .
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