Example sentences of "[adv] as [to-vb] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yet his system , like others on the contemporary scene , is constructed so as to repel argument or contrary evidence .
2 But you should descend at a higher rate so as to reach 2500ft before you turn .
3 In order for the exception under article 11 to come into operation so as to relieve drivers and those who permit them to drive in excess of the hours which are prescribed there must be a real emergency .
4 They intend to run the course as a pay as you play facility , however , they intend to offer a membership scheme so as to accommodate competitions and team matches within the club .
5 While other options were being carried out , and before the text was ready to receive entries for completely new words and meanings , it might well be desirable to begin to assemble these new entries and hold them ready in advance , so as to speed production and make the best use of the system 's storage capacity .
6 He was to have them arouse the citizenry , when they heard the attack develop , so as to cause panic and alarm behind the enemy forces when these were roused to counter-attack .
7 Governments should aim to make their policy instruments as predictable as possible so as to minimize confusion and hence undesirable fluctuations in output .
8 The Philip Morris doctrine means that a merger may be caught by Article 85 if at least two competitors or potential competitors are involved and if the market behaviour of one or more of those concerned in the merger is likely to be influenced so as to distort competition and have an appreciable effect on trade between the Member States .
9 As a result , the social responsibility theory was born ; newspapers remained the property of their owners , they could still be bought and sold in the marketplace , but owners and newspapers were now credited with obligations to society — obligations to provide information , to allow a diversity of views to be printed , to encourage the best and most professional of journalistic activity so as to pursue truth and knowledge ( Table 2.1 ) .
10 It was , he continued , more important than ever to ensure that leases were well-drafted so as to make landlords and/or tenants fully aware as to whether or not their insurance policies covered damage caused by terrorism .
11 If we can understand how cells behave during development so as to make arms and brains we can then begin to ask how genes control the behaviour of the cells and so establish the link .
12 Marines raced at powerspeed to empty their boltguns into its heavy weapons , now laid low , so as to pierce casings and blast actuators lest the Moderati recover from the stun and injuries of the fall …
13 The two books contain units to match the corresponding Headway coursebooks , and a number of activities are derived from the coursebooks so as to maximize progress when the two are used in conjunction .
14 This assignment involved practising each shape chromatically up and down the entire fretboard so as to build confidence and technique in every position , starting on the highest note descending or starting on the lowest note ascending in each key .
15 The sonnet which apparently seeks to contain the truth of the youth 's beauty so as to gain power and control over it , exposes that it destroys and banishes the youth 's beauty .
16 It was also true that the renewed Triple Alliance of the same year was soon buttressed so as to isolate France and Russia still more .
17 Market forces would over the next five years be given a greater role so as to boost production and secure an average growth rate of 5 per cent ( against 3.2 per cent during the 1980s ) .
18 It calls on the government to : ( i ) provide financial incentives ( such as exemption from value-added tax for energy-saving equipment ) ; ( ii ) intervene to stabilize energy prices ( so as to encourage business and industry to make long-term investments in energy conservation ) ; and ( iii ) introduce specific energy-saving measures ( such as creating a large differential between the prices of diesel and petrol ) .
19 For seven years prior to 1961 , twenty-nine electrical corporations , including some of the best known names in the country , such as General Electric and Westinghouse , conspired illegally to fix prices on large , mainly government contracts , so as to avoid competition and hence reap enormous illegal profit ( Geis 1967 ; Smith 1961 ) .
20 ( 6 ) The agreement will be construed so as to avoid unfairness or exploitation of individual partners .
21 You may have included words that do n't fit , and you may want to remove them immediately from the list , so as to avoid confusion when you check .
22 As Carol Dyhouse has pointed out , in concentrating their attention on mothercraft , medical experts tended to devalue women 's knowledge regarding infant care , one doctor going so far as to label grandmothers as ‘ infanticide experts ’ .
23 Dulles on 12 December 1957 went as far as to describe France as " a very weak partner indeed " and one which caused him a lot of anxiety .
24 Indeed , if we go so far as to see externalization as inevitably bringing the ego into conflict with reality , then we might conclude that many modern neuroses — perhaps the most severe ones — are likely to become para-psychoses : that is , neurotic conflicts expressing themselves in the language of psychosis .
25 Nay , they even go so far as to lay odds that before Christmas he lands a force in England or Ireland .
26 Perceived as ‘ weak ’ and ‘ lonely ’ , one respondent went so far as to condemn raisins as ‘ embarrassing to be seen with in public ’ !
27 It may seem at times that there is little common ground between the two generations , but if a parent is patient and ready to take an interest , and to listen as well as to give advice or pass criticism , there is plenty to talk about and share together .
28 The heat could be used by industry , as well as to heat homes and greenhouses .
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