Example sentences of "[adv] his [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Apparently his escape from the rout of Winchester had n't been so easy .
2 Apparently his efforts with the kitchen range had finally paid off .
3 But aspects of his work , especially his insistence on the importance of ideology , have been a positive influence on modern Marxism and on some Marxist studies of crime and punishment .
4 Having been aware of only detrimental media coverage of Prince Charles , I was heartened to read your profile in the January issue , which concentrated on his varied contribution to British life , especially his involvement with the conservation of the countryside .
5 I wish to underline his support for the United Nations in the new world order that everyone talks so much about these days , and especially his comments about the British Council , the work of the council , and the BBC World Service .
6 That which he projects ahead of him as his ideal is merely his substitute for the lost narcissism of his childhood — the time when he was his own ideal .
7 Even on the assumption that Yusuf Bali did draw up the original and not just the copy , it does not by any means necessarily follow that he was acting as in so doing ; nor , further , does it necessarily follow that if he were acting as he was doing so in his father 's absence from Bursa , much less his absence on the pilgrimage .
8 Dr Sergei Barsamian , an original member of the Sydney University team and now involved in independent research , has outlined not only his concept of the creative process but , in simple terms , further explains the model he used to provide scientific evidence which :
9 One may remember Ioreth repeating to her cousin in Gondor that Frodo ‘ went with only his esquire into the Black Country and fought with the Dark Lord all by himself , and set fire to his Tower , if you can believe it .
10 Only his progress to the second round of Wimbledon last year proved more lucrative .
11 ‘ No , ’ said Philip , crouching , only his head in the hide .
12 Beecher , safe in Brooklyn , began sending not only his prayers for the abolitionists but arms in boxes labelled Bibles .
13 For , by 1841 , he had worked out not only his theory of the origin of species , natural selection , but also , it seems , his theory of generation ( or reproduction , including heredity , variation and so on ) , pangenesis .
14 The Court held on the one hand that the protection of the Directive was a matter of public policy and so the worker could not trade away his right under the Directive to the maintenance of the same terms and conditions , even if ‘ the employee obtains new benefits in compensation for the disadvantages resulting from an amendment to his contract of employment so that , taking the matter as a whole , he is not placed in a worse position than before ’ ( point 15 ) .
15 Sometimes he would throw away his francs to the soldiers and go home without a sou .
16 McLaren , desperate to complete the film , had no option but to agree , thereby effectively signing away his control of the Sex Pistols ' future .
17 They also carry away his body to the white ship at the time of his passing .
18 Thus his stocking of the ship 's larder with delicacies was , to his mind , a far cry from self-indulgence .
19 Yet it is not just his commitments with the Royal Ballet that hold him up , it is also his unusually intense way of making a work .
20 Erm now he talks about the vanguards of revolutions i it 's just his distinction between the types of of peasant erm he looks at the rich peasants first of all and originally they 're , they 're not into revolution at all , you know , they do n't want to join peasant associations because they 've got nothing to gain erm as er er had said before , you know , p if you ask a rich peasant to join he 's gon na say well , you know , I 've never heard of such a thing before , you know , I 've , I can manage to live alright , I advise you to gi er give it up or alternatively he may just say , you know , good God no , you know , it 's too dangerous I , I do n't want to be knocked off by my landlord .
21 And , although Steve Smith Eccles partnered Halkopous to a smooth victory at Newcastle , trainer Mark Tompkins yesterday confirmed that Maguire will be on board when Halkopous attempts to further his reputation in the Irish Champion at Leopardstown in January and at the Festival .
22 Royal author Andrew Morton said yesterday his comments on the future friendship between Gilbey and the princess were based on hypothetical questions .
23 Yet the most unnerving revelation of this book is less the bit that shocked Mr Teicher — his colleagues ' attempts to make him a scapegoat in the Irangate arms-for-hostages scandal — and more his portrayal of the muddle that characterises America 's dealings with this explosive region .
24 It was a confident Neil Kinnock who hammered home his attack on the government and set out his stall for the election , concentrating on the economy , investment and education .
25 Whitaker had more reason than most , since Morton was once his apprentice on the Daily Star .
26 On May 19 Francis Vaudier , the sole remaining opposition member in parliament , suspended indefinitely his activities in the National Assembly .
27 In Formen Marx is also considering under what circumstances this conflict is made inoperative , hence his consideration of the Asiatic mode of production and the Germanic mode of production .
28 The contestation of meaning can be regarded as a fundamentally transgressive practice which can have a liberating effect on the reader — hence his emphasis on the value of the ludic aspect of fractured narrative which had a ‘ carnivalesque ’ role ( almost in the Bakhtinian sense ) of freeing the reader .
29 He stood , at least , for honesty in sexual dealings : hence his preference for the prostitute over the grisette .
30 Hence his wanderings in the mountains , ’ Riven noted .
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