Example sentences of "[adv] we [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If we take these views literally we arrive at the notion of style as an optional additive , and there is an obvious problem : how can we judge when the factor of style is absent ?
2 Seen from this point of view , what is remarkable about neurobiology is how much we know about the brain , not , as you might think , how little .
3 That made me realise how much we depend on the prison officers and the fantastic security systems that have been built up .
4 I am impressed tonight to see how much we agree about the position there and on the need for much stronger action than has been taken so far .
5 No the the bills are met by er on the territorial funding basis so basically we pay for the work done in the U K.
6 No the , the bills are met by er on the territorial funding basis so basically we pay for the work done in the U K.
7 The arrangement of the signs and symbols is designed to encourage a deepening awareness of their " pointing-towards " character ; the deeper we penetrate behind the scenes as it were of the various words and actions , the closer can they be seen to become because all alike are pointing towards that Mystery which is beyond straightforward conceptual understanding .
8 So we opt for the tried and tested T-shirt or , even worse , baggy shorts and a button-through overshirt .
9 And so we stare at the pit in the earth and think we both do and do n't know what sculpture is ’ .
10 And so we come under the spell of Descartes , for whom , since the mind is distinct from the body , a pain must be a mental , a private , object .
11 So we come to the Square where the old Round House leading to Institute Road was rebuilt .
12 So we come to the definition given by Woodrow Wilson : ‘ A state is a people organized for law within a definite territory . ’
13 So we come to the second implication , which is that the student has to understand the practical aspects of the life of reason .
14 And so we come to the antepenultimate item on the agenda .
15 So we come to the second point .
16 So we return to the original crux .
17 So we return to the question of functional intactness .
18 So we charge for the time we go to the first address pick the thing up go to the second unload and get back to depot .
19 So we write to the Secretary of C H C.
20 So we get to the anniversary of the policy , not the claim , the policy , I just coincide my illness with an anniversary , but on the anniversary of the policy , we 'll look at the policy , where inflation , what 's it done over the last twelve months , let's say it 's gone up by five per cent .
21 So we get on the London and Birmingham route the vast cuttings at Tring ( two and a half miles long and at times nearly sixty feet deep ) and Roade ( one and a half miles long and nearly seventy feet deep ) , and the embankments at Boxmoor and Wolverton .
22 So we go through the motions of feeding ourselves .
23 So we go through the identification rigmarole and I do n't hide anything .
24 So we go to the Colombi , someone knows that habit of mine , we 're walking into a trap . ’
25 So we go to the page , thirty four next birthday , non-smoker .
26 So we go to the Tower .
27 One or two of the old films are now on CD video because they are important documents of certain artists , but the way we are filming and editing the films I am now making is completely different We have learnt a very great deal in these years and so we forget about the older films just as you would n't dream of driving around in a thirty-year-old car .
28 So we pray for the leaders of the nations , and especially those whose words influence and incite strife .
29 So we apologise for the standard of typing …
30 So we look at the age , look at the level of cover , health , you look healthy Shirley , are you in good health ?
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