Example sentences of "[adv] from [art] [noun pl] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , there are almost certain to be many transactions which are difficult to discover or to understand merely from the books and papers of the company .
2 Student academic freedom and its associated academic ethic imply a high degree of intellectual maturity not only from the students but also from the academic staff .
3 That Hildyard and Olson have in mind their own academic establishment is apparent not only from the standards and ideals to which they appeal , but also from the explicit nature of the examples which they use .
4 But just as a thought for you since the school 's are involved and since children are involved in a number of these things perhaps it has been tried I do n't know erm you might actually be able to get a more regular input not only from the children and their but also from their par ents by perhaps involving or asking the schools to become involved in the production of the programme .
5 Theology in the last sixty years or so has naturally built upon and extended aspects of the work of its nineteenth-century predecessors ; but it has also gone through some striking changes of direction , especially from the aims and programme of Liberal Theology .
6 However , these resources can not be viewed separately from the meanings and values attached to them by the individual .
7 Often the women sit separately from the men and discuss their own affairs .
8 When the ceremony was over , Sabine slipped away from the congratulations and laughter , and the clicking cameras outside the church , and drove back to Les Hiboux .
9 The British position was simpler ; Russia was to be kept away from the Straits and Austria-Hungary was to ensure this , if possible .
10 The advance was to have been made during the hours of darkness and across country , keeping away from the roads and lanes .
11 He had walked the length of the state , his waterskin slung over his shoulder , keeping away from the roads and the gangcults .
12 Joachim eventually broke away from the Cistercians and retired to a lonely spot in Calabria where disciples gathered around him and he was given papal permission to found his own congregation .
13 As soon as a female begins to swell up and start coming into season she should be taken away from the males and kept separately .
14 Quietly , away from the crowds and demon curiosity , he came to manhood .
15 Here , truly , is a place to sense freedom , to be away from the crowds and the pressures of the world , to wander for miles seeing only a handful of people enjoying the same leisurely activity , or maybe no-one at all .
16 ‘ They have to be tougher than the average kid , I do n't like losers , but once they 're into boxing it takes them off the streets , away from the drugs and alcohol , ’ said Lol , 57 .
17 Casting an agonised glance of appeal at Ludovico , who failed to notice it , she was led off along the terrace , away from the tables and chairs .
18 I very much regret that both the Syrians and the Lebanese stayed away from the multilaterals and that , although present , the Palestinians did not join in in a positive way .
19 I guess that their time should come now , that ‘ Body Exit Mind ’ is the lump of plastic destined to send the band soaring away from the peripheries and into the teeny publications .
20 However , away from the cameras and microphones , the couple argued continually .
21 Jackson , who earned a total of £40,000 , said : ‘ I was pedestrian away from the blocks and that cost me vital hundredths of a second .
22 The raft sailed slowly away from the glaciers and icefields and snow and a ridiculous flapping and calling from the colony , who all of a sudden seemed to care for her and want her back .
23 A further feature of this pattern can be distinguished at Braintree , where the plots have been shown to extend up to 105 m ( 343 ft ) away from the frontages and appear therefore to represent smallholdings associated with the various buildings comparable dimensions have also been noted at Great Dunmow .
24 A man who was very friendly with another , or his senior kinsmen , could adopt a more expository technique : he would sit facing him and take his left hand ; as he made his points he would take his friend 's little finger , move it away from the others and hold it : ‘ first … ‘ then the next finger : ‘ second … ‘ ; until he had moved the digits all to one side , like beads on an abacus .
25 If colleges of nursing can not supply these , then nurse education ought to be transferred away from the colleges and onto polytechnics and universities .
26 However , as we shall see , this revolution represented not only a movement away from the strict tenets of learning theory , but away from the assumptions and concerns of positivist criminology itself .
27 The decision to ‘ choose ’ , or not to ‘ choose ’ will be taken away from the parents and left to an ad-hoc committee of neighbours .
28 We make some suggestions in the resorts section of the magazine from writers who have kept away from the pistes and enjoyed it .
29 Prodded by its chairman , Yuri Blokhin , Soyuz is beginning to edge away from the colonels and towards the reformers .
30 Keep it away from the pots and pans .
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