Example sentences of "[adv] from [noun sg] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Sexual need — sexual urge , libido , call it what you will — varies from person to person and , in the individual , varies somewhat from time to time .
2 The details of its internal structure varied somewhat from time to time , but the main lines remained fairly stable .
3 This means checking personally from time to time the output from your area , whether it be a shoelace , a bottle of beer , a written report , half an hour 's advice or a telephone call to a client .
4 Two-thirds of the BBC 's audience did so from time to time and a quarter of these were regular listeners .
5 Those appointed to the senior status of High Court judge will have acted as Recorders and will often have sat as Deputy High Court judges , having been invited to do so from time to time .
6 Indeed it is vital that they should do so from time to time .
7 Now to do that effectively I think it 's essential that I get you to participate in what 's happening so from time to time I 'm going to ask you to answer questions , sometimes by writing them down , sometimes by shows of hands erm sometimes by er reacting back erm to the questions that I ask .
8 Timber for construction needs to be acquired only from time to time , and enough firewood can be collected in one journey to last several months .
9 Crilly took me to the old town once ; it was a sooty place just north of the city , bordered by cakey cliffs and a greasy sliver of sea and a forlorn lighthouse jutting into the grey Irish sky , flashing blurry and red through the low clouds , omitting a lackadaisical moo only from time to time .
10 While such solidarity may cause the nation to bind together from time to time as in 1940 , at present it-is of a divisive nature rather than unifying .
11 they could only snatch a few minutes together from time to time , usually when Daddy came over to Low Fields to look after the cattle , or during the haytiming .
12 Anchor ice accumulations , being less dense than sea water , break away from time to time and rise to the surface , carrying with them entrapped and frozen plants and animals , which gather in layers under the inshore floes .
13 There is little to distinguish between the Italian character dance and its demi - caractère form save only that heeled shoes are worn and thus from time to time take on a slightly Spanish flavour , the only difference perhaps being the more fluid way of phrasing and less rigidly accurate timing of the steps .
14 ( 2 ) A licensing board may adjourn any meeting held by virtue of subsection ( 1 ) above from time to time during the period of one month next following the first day of such meeting , but no longer .
15 She had already from time to time employed Mrs Rafferty , although the incredibly swift rate of her pregnancies made her appearances at Four Winds unpredictable .
16 Dyson could imagine Lord Boddy and the executives gathered around him putting deference aside from time to time in order to get on with the gardening , or to discipline some delinquent guardsman .
17 Er , the other thing is of course colleagues that the doors at the side are , are open for very good reasons and I mentioned yesterday from time to time that once we get er we get talking there 's a that goes and colleagues at the side of Congress have a great deal of difficulty in hearing and listening to the debate .
18 I was a proper Mom at last , there when the kids came home from school with time to listen to them .
19 It was not too difficult in the 1960s and 1970s to discern such contradictions in the East European countries , in the form of conflicts among various social groups , and in particular a conflict — which appeared openly from time to time in strikes , protests or even insurrections , and was only with difficulty contained and repressed — between those who control and direct the overall development of society and those whose lives and work are thus planned and regulated from above .
20 The spirit of brotherhood travels not only from country to country but also from time to time .
21 The Council may also from time to time promulgate Codes of Practice if it is of the opinion that such codes will further the objects of the Council .
22 Other artisan groups also from time to time found themselves on the receiving end of employer " impositions " .
23 On one of them , where I farmed for 45 years , while my employees who belonged there spoke Gaelic , I also from time to time employed Scots speakers from Alyth , splendid fellows , in whose speech I could recognise classical Scots words which occur in the poetry of the Scottish Chaucerians .
24 Either : place the pears in the saucepan with the boiled wine mixture and simmer for 10–15 minutes , turning the pears carefully from time to time to ensure even colouring .
25 Nevertheless , they were able to continue the art classes ( to Leonard 's chagrin , a Saturday morning event ) alongside needlework and other crafts , which were exhibited locally from time to time .
26 When Marcus came in for supper , two hours later , Daniel 's Mum was still talking , to Stephanie , who was in and out of the kitchen dishing up vegetables and making gravy , to her son , who moved his weight cautiously from time to time on a dining-room chair and frowned and frowned .
27 With full heart , Shelley drove through the silent , magic dawn , looking at him sideways from time to time .
28 ‘ It gets a bit rough round here from time to time , there 's a power station out past the ridge and the boys do their drinking here , but mostly we 're pretty friendly . ’
29 Other water-loving species turned up here from time to time also — Mimulus and forget-me-not and Water Speedwell .
30 ‘ I assure you that we will add to your distress as little as possible , but we shall be here from time to time and you will also be asked to make a formal statement . ’
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