Example sentences of "[adv] from [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My guess would be that they are the same advisers or perhaps from the same coterie of advisers .
2 The analyses have also shown much interesting detail : sub-groups have emerged when marble fragments have been found to have extremely similar isotope ratios , which suggests they came not only from the same quarry but from the same part of the quarry .
3 You both went into the theatre together from the same drama school ?
4 Controls matched for age and sex were drawn randomly from the same population at risk , including deaths , out migrants , and in migrants .
5 4 Position 6 people 1 metre away from the same wall and ask them to estimate the length and height of the same wall and calculate the average percentage error that these estimates will produce in the estimation of the area of the wall .
6 Position a different 6 people 5 metres away from the same wall and ask them for their estimates .
7 A rapidly rising proportion of births to single mothers are registered by both parents , usually from the same address but sometimes from different ones ( see chart ) .
8 But Umanskii sees a significant difference : feudal subjects of the seigneur are usually from the same nation as him .
9 Another very neat feature is that one Postscript interpreter can handle both the user 's screen and a printer directly from the same source material .
10 The stimuli which the cell receives from the matrix can then initiate changes in gene expression with temporally related changes in cell structure which result directly from the same signals or are determined by concomitant but separate cell-matrix interaction .
11 Thus , a secretary working in a carpet factory ( code 438 ) will be coded differently from the same grade of secretary working in a neighbouring household textiles factory ( 455 ) .
12 The daggerboard is raised slightly from the same position in lighter winds because the boat 's sailing faster .
13 I bought some lovely old half-glazed pots , two plates and a jug — not matching , but probably from the same pottery in the Midi .
14 Since some of those are probably from the same people , it is safe to assume that the aviation user base of Skymaster runs into the low hundreds .
15 The boys were also from the same home .
16 This is also from the same book , this design being called ‘ Sheherazade ’ .
17 To acknowledge hunger ( which is not a disease but a social illness ) would be tantamount to political suicide among leaders whose power has come traditionally from the same plantation economy that produced that hunger in the first place .
18 Other questions might be , for instance : are absent pupils predominantly from the same year group ?
19 That light came originally from the same source as Fenna 's fire , from the heart of the golden star , from the sun itself — but it was light crashing around space at speeds which defy relativity , rolling like waves , bouncing like particles , rebounding off the dead desert of the cold moon and hurled thence , down through nearly a quarter of a million miles , forced through the steadily slowly moving liquid molecules of solid glass which made the windows .
20 The main difference now between Holstein and Friesian is that , although both come originally from the same source , the former is a large , single-purpose dairy cow while the latter has always been a dual-purpose type able to produce meat from the dairy herd .
21 Among Punjabis in Delhi who are often from the same peasant background as Punjabi immigrants to Britain a ‘ modern lady ’ is a ‘ respectable ’ urban middle-class woman .
22 Would not a royal and priestly Messiah , both issuing simultaneously from the same family , have seemed an eloquent testimony of God 's favour ?
23 Cadence Design Systems Inc warns that turnover for the first quarter will be down substantially from the same period last year and it will likely see a loss for the quarter .
24 The A. & P. Gypsies , by the way , were among the very first stars to have a radio ‘ series ’ — a programme which was broadcast regularly from the same station at the same time of the same day of the week .
25 In Romania , in addition to the blood relatives of both Nicolae and Elena Ceauşescu , they both relied on people from a similar background and frequently from the same part of the country .
26 Knights also went to war in company ; a number , sometimes from the same lordship , would serve in the retinue of a great lord .
27 This result , Burmester suggests , indicates that the coatings were applied using lacquer ‘ from one pot ’ or at least from the same tree .
28 While it is not possible to demonstrate that any of the Continental braids are of Anglo-Saxon , even Kentish , manufacture , the very close similarity between some examples on each side of the Channel makes it possible that they are at least from the same source .
29 As we can not yet do all analyses on one sample , we have assumed that the mineralogy was similar to that of visually identical samples , which were indistinguishable from those reported previously from the same location ( finely intergrown siderite , Mg-calcite and iron sulphide ) .
30 It suffers therefore from the same problems as all needs theories .
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