Example sentences of "[adv] by [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 John Urry and I then broadened it and transformed it to make it the cornerstone of our chapter on postmodernism in The End of Organized Capitalism , especially by locating it within a framework of a book which is essentially a comparative political economy of advanced capitalist societies .
2 It 's also worth noting that if leather corals are disturbed , especially by introducing them into an unfamiliar aquarium , the polyps will retract and it may take several days for them to reopen .
3 He was never patronizing , and freely admitted that ‘ if I taught them anything , I certainly learnt ( as ) much by watching them at work . ’
4 Imagine a mercantile agent who obtains possession of the goods ( perhaps by borrowing them from the owner ) and who shows them to X , an innocent prospective purchaser .
5 Christmas is not the reality of the Christian faith : it is a sign of God 's gracious invitation to celebrate his love personally by welcoming him into our hearts and lives , not just once a year but every day we live .
6 Geometrical demonstrations which prove something to be true of all triangles do not do so by proving it to be true of an abstract triangle to which all triangles correspond .
7 The reasoning behind it being that she would not be able to come to terms with the notion of her mother being dead , so by removing her from the place where the tragedy had occurred and allowing enough time to pass , she would better be able to come to terms with her loss .
8 a system is abolished only by pushing it into hyperlogic , by forcing it into an excessive practice which is equivalent to a brutal amortization …
9 It is only by bringing them into the light of day that we can assess their cogency .
10 Only by defining it in some such manner as suggested will you be able to recognise that it is , or is not , correct .
11 Only by reducing them to sharply defined and manageable areas , it is felt , can we ever begin to understand their systematic nature and operate their rules .
12 Just as one can know whether one is short or tall only by comparing oneself with others , so one can know whether one 's own political system is " short " or " tall " only by putting it alongside other systems and noting the differences .
13 Just as you can gain access to the cave of the unconscious only by being inside already , he seems to be saying , so you can gradually reach towards an understanding of my work only by understanding it in advance .
14 He should not intervene in little local difficulties in Cambridgeshire which , sooner or later , will be sorted out when the authority spends its additional resources sensibly by devoting them to raising the quality of education .
15 ‘ Hope that you 'll finally understand what I 've been trying to let you know over the past few days without frightening you away by putting it into words .
16 Indeed , I have blundered straight away by placing them in a context of the 1960s and 1970s , as though in 1970 they stopped !
17 You can move icons just by dragging them to new positions .
18 The committee believes that the public expects external audits to have a role in protecting the interests of shareholders , creditors , pensioners , employees and the public generally by providing them with reassurances that :
19 But Maxfield and Harrison took the principle further by applying it to acoustic and mechanical parts , so that there would be little waste of power from ‘ mismatching ’ at any point along the sound 's journey .
20 Occam gives extra scope for this because it is a parallel language : one can improve a program not only by reducing the overall amount of calculation , but also by configuring it for the ( possibly parallel ) machine on which it is to be run .
21 Except in the case of the Yakuts and the Turks and Mongols of the southern steppes , their economy was largely based upon the use of reindeer — in the first place by hunting wild herds during their seasonal migrations , and later by domesticating them to a greater or lesser extent .
22 Answer : You can make all the programs that you always want start automatically by placing them in a special group in the Program Manager called Startup .
23 If the compounds are toxic , though , the off-gases may have to be collected and treated , probably by passing them through a granular activated carbon absorber .
24 Nevertheless , it looks very much as if he was able to help young Ben out a bit : probably by employing him as a commercial traveller in his own drapery business .
25 The microcomputer should have a form of security e.g. by bolting it to a desk if it is to remain in one place all the time , perhaps next to the library catalogue .
26 A turntable helps food to cook evenly by raising it off the oven floor so the microwaves can reach underneath , and by turning the food as it cooks .
27 There is no way the farmer can deal with the output of hundreds of animals simply by spreading it on the fields .
28 In this way , word senses can be disambiguated simply by comparing them with the definitions of neighbouring words .
29 I detest Alvaro Delgado-Gal , who advocates the return of the painting to France , believing that ‘ the glorious dead should be left in the graveyard where they chose to rest ’ ; Juan Pedro Aparicio , who suggests carrying ‘ Guernica ’ in procession all around Spain in a high speed train ; the old anarchist Carlos Semprón Maura , who protests at the Reina Sofía 's injection of morphine into ‘ Guernica ’ to prolong its deep coma ; Joan Barril , for whom the dilemma posed by moving ‘ Guernica ’ from the shrine of the Buen Retiro to an apartment with freezer in the ‘ Sofidou ’ could be resolved simply by sending it to Sarajevo , Bangkok or Lima , places where its political message would be more relevant .
30 He was somehow managing to make her begin to doubt her own words — simply by subjecting her to that look of dark unbelief .
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