Example sentences of "[adv] at the [noun sg] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 You get attached especially at the spooling because you 're working in twos .
2 I was impressed by Lovat 's manner during the landing , on the beach under fire , and especially at the crossroads as he stood and directed the attack on the village of Amfreville .
3 She had also left some grasses free-flowing , stuck only at the bottom so they could move in the breeze , but had been told this was not strictly according to tradition .
4 Children can learn that food is available only at the table so they may manage a few minutes sitting down to eat and then get up and run around .
5 He smiled fondly at the girl as he spoke , and Paulette , who in truth was very pretty , blew him a kiss before lying back on the pillows .
6 [ … ] When one looks merely at the situation after the resource has been monopolized by the entrepreneurial skill of the producer , one sees only a monopolist producer — exempt from competition to the extent his resource monopoly permits .
7 However , her warnings are aimed less at the right than at the Communists and their 26 deputies , who would fare badly in an early general election .
8 There is also the oft repeated argument that we should not sit down together at the table until after unity is accomplished .
9 The horses nosed patiently at the ground as they waited .
10 Nails screeched and popped , and the board juddered away at the bottom as something outside slammed against the wood .
11 Invited by Hawke Systems Ltd , Slough , Berkshire , to cast a glance over DEC 's Alpha boxes last week , Unigram.X was turned away at the door when DEC UK officials turned white at the mention of press .
12 I tell you , there 's one old cripple , ugly old bird — more chins than a Chinese telephone directory — sits there nodding away at the testcard when it 's on , does n't notice .
13 No , well , he , you know , just at the end when they 're giving the last news just before nine o'clock
14 I have n't quite mastered dressing the dolls just at the moment though : - ) ) ) .
15 Eleanor was nearly twice the age he felt he deserved , and it had been his ambition for a long time to have a girl just at the point when it became legal .
16 It is interesting to observe that just at the point when the old sources of clerical recruitment , the married clergy , were taking to celibacy , the supply of clergy did not dry up , it multiplied exceedingly .
17 The least interesting material tends to be spun out for far too long , and the composer can fall back on clichés ( like reiterated clusters ) just at the point when a new , arresting thought is most urgently needed .
18 Although the Criterion was the first English periodical to print the work of Cocteau , Valery and Proust , it seems always to have been Eliot 's fate to espouse causes just at the point when they are about to disappear or to disintegrate .
19 I met and married my husband just at the point when I was beginning to apply for senior registrar posts .
20 And just at the point when she thought there was no more power of feeling in her , some deep instinct took over , and she found her body moving fervently with his rhythm .
21 The children did n't go for this much , since a meeting usually became necessary just at the point when they needed clean clothes , juice , a hug , or someone to play with and so on .
22 ( A pity , really , just at the point when you could do it so well ! )
23 He 's written you a poem in which you might well think he was describing a fox outside his window but just at the point when the fox seems most real , it might be coming through the window or it might be going into its hole , he says that the hole that this fox lives in is his head .
24 There are many — kissing gates which are too small to allow me through , pathways which drop steeply at the edge so I ca n't move to the side to open the gate , well-meaning people who put deep grit or gravel onto the surface of the path , making my progress slow and tiring , and deep mud where horses and motorbikes have also used the path .
25 Horowitz , more stoical , was already at the counter while his case passed through the type of machine used at airports .
26 They were still at the window when Timothy Gedge appeared a few minutes later .
27 Juliet glanced quickly at the girl as she folded up the stethoscope .
28 The papal ban on royal taxation of the clergy provoked ephemeral and unspecific objections from the laity , aimed more at the archbishop than the pope .
29 For all the assurances from those around me that I was perfect Legion material , I could not accept that the prestigious French Foreign Legion would have any need of the services of somebody whose military prowess was earned more at the bar than in the field .
30 This heating is uneven : more by day than at night , and more at the equator than at the poles .
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